Baby Blue Bump
dress | necklace | shoes TGIT ya’ll! I feel like this has been the LONGEST week ever and I am so excited to start my weekend today! We have had to travel quite a bit this week to family events and prenatal visits. I had to be seen by two different offices yesterday to be cleared for my birth at the Charleston Birth Center and it ended up taking us over three hours at both places. To say I was excited to get home and lay in bed was a HUGE understatement and I am so thankful for a husband that played with the kids while I took a three hour…
Crazy For Floral
dress | necklace | shoes Today, I am officially 36 weeks which seems completely crazy to say! I feel like just yesterday, I was buying a pregnancy test to check and see if we would be having a third baby in 2016. Yep, it’s happening y’all! I am completely in awe of how my body has changed over the course of this pregnancy. I have gone from around 105 pounds, breast feeding and working out hard daily to 135, not breast feeding and working out LIGHTLY. When I say lightly, I do my squats and prenanatal yoga when I feel like it. I haven’t pushed my body like crazy these…
Blush and White
top | shorts | bangles | sunglasses The weeks are flying by at this point, but I am continuing to find great maternity pieces to wear in my third trimester. The heat and humidity in South Carolina have arrived, and they aren’t showing any mercy, so staying cool is something I TRY to accomplish. I wore this beautiful blush top and eyelet shorts on Fathers Day and received so many compliments that I wanted to share with y’all! This top is SO flattering, and it’s a great material for summer. It doesn’t stick to you and helps you stay cool in the warmer months. I’ve really enjoyed the versatility of…
Milk Bath Session
Last week, I had the opportunity to shoot with my extremely talented friend Kristina Mosley. She has shot us before at our home and during her fall mini session, and we LOVE each and every single picture she has taken! I have been really interested in participating in a milk bath photoshoot that I have seen on Pinterest and when I mentioned the idea to her, she was just as excited as I was. I wanted to take some really artsy photos to hang in our home and to have forever, and I think these are absolutely stunning! Kristina is such a great photographer; she made me feel completely comfortable during…
Eyelet Mocha Maxi
dress | bangles | shoes Earlier this week, I blogged about the most beautiful hippie maxi from Hazel and Mae Boutique. I am continuing showing my love for their styles by sharing another favorite that I picked up from their website. This mocha eyelet trimmed maxi is SO beautiful and even more so in person! I am on the lookout for outfits that I can wear during and after my pregnancy since the end is so close and this one is just perfect. Not only can I wear it afterwards but it’s going to be really easy to nurse in – a requirement for anything I own post partum. I…