• Fashion

    Mama Style While Breastfeeding

    tank | shorts  My days are ruled by a little baby that needs me to survive. I mean, what else is mom life with a newborn? Also, I guess that I can’t call her a newborn any longer because it’s been a month and a week since she was born. Now, that’s just crazy to say! I love sweet little Mercy girl and I am so thankful and blessed to be able to breast feed her like I did with my three other kids. Although I don’t go out that often (other than for coffee and church) I do want to feel put together. Don’t get me wrong, I love…

  • Fashion,  Health

    “Isle” Show You the Way to Safer Perfume

    This post is in partner with Skylar. All thoughts and opinons are my own. Please visit my disclaimer page for more information. Happy Monday Friends! I am so excited to get back into the blogging groove and share more about ways to detoxify your life without missing out on your favorite things. One of the first things that I quit using when I became pregnant was perfume. The strong smell would bother me and give me a headache. I started looking into what made perfumes and I was shocked at how bad they actually are for your health. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) reports that, while many popular perfumes, colognes…

  • Recipes

    Family Friendly Meal – Unstuffed Cabbage Rolls

    I am so excited to bring it back! RECIPES that is! Ya’ll, I haven’t been my usual self – cooking 3 plus meals a day because post partum isn’t that time for me. I’ve been really dependent on my friends and family bringing our meals and also local restaurants for the other times. After a few weeks, I am getting back into a cooking groove and it makes me so happy. I have a few meals that we do eat on repeat but I am really focused on revving up our weekly menu. One of the things I love are stuffed cabbage rolls but they are a pain in the…

  • Kids

    A Safe Space for Baby

    This post is in Partner with Baby Delight. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Please read my disclaimer page for more information. Two of my four babies have had acid reflux issues in the first few months after their births. I remedy this in a few different ways but making sure that they stay in an inclined position after feeding and during their naps helps out A LOT! I grow accustomed to smelling like sour milk but I hate the thought of my babies having hurt throats from all the spitting up. I’ve researched a lot for solutions but keeping them in an inclined position has been so helpful.…

  • Health,  Kids,  Lifestyle

    Ella Mercy’s Birth Story

    The weeks are flying by and I can’t believe it! As I look through these maternity pictures, I feel like this photo session was just the other day. Amber Coker did the most amazing job at capturing what I wanted for this session and I cannot wait for our next one. She is going to come and take pictures of us as a family now that Mercy has joined us Earth side. We just have A LOT going on right now (and I will fill yall in soon, when I can discuss it publicly) so Amber is being patient with me until we can get together. I know that I’ve…