This post contains affiliate links, if you click them I will receive payment *IF* you make a purchase. Thank you for supporting me by shopping through my links. Please read my disclaimer page for more information. I literally had a friend reach out to me the other day with a message like this “hey girl, have you ever thought about creating a crunchy holiday gift guide? I’ve got someone I need to buy a present for *like you* but I don’t know where to start….” I giggled and responded with “YES! THANKS FOR THE INSPO!” because ya’ll, I’ve never thought about making one of these but I am SO PUMPED…
How Yoga Helped Me
Never in my life would I have expected to like yoga as much as I do. Let me take that back… LOVE yoga as much as I do! Y’all, it has changed my life in four short months and I know it could do the same for you. I’ll back up and explain more of my story with this. In December of 2019, I felt that I wanted to start exercising again. I was four months postpartum and wanting to get back into a routine BUT I didn’t want to go back to hardcore workouts because I was scared. I’ve had five babies and my core strength is at it’s…