Worry-free deodorant by Stinkbug Naturals
This post has been compensated by Stinkbug Naturals. All opinions are my own, please read my disclaimer page for more information. When I transitioned to a non toxic lifestyle, finding a deodorant free of chemicals but controls BO has been challenging. After five years, I can finally say that I found one that meets my standards. Stinkbug Naturals has been a lifesaver for my husband, Derrek, and myself. I have always been a “stinky” girl, to the point that I had prescribed antiperspirant when I was in college. I’ve bounced around from brand to brand and found that the most toxic deodorant would cover my smell. Parabens, which are preservatives used…
Life With Three Kids
Being a mom isn’t all butterflies and rainbows. It’s hard. Especially when you don’t have a family that helps and gives you a break every now and then. When I was a year old, my parents got a divorce so, I’ve never known what a solid family dynamic was. As I type this, I have tears in my eyes because it overwhelms me with emotions. Something that is very important to me, is that my kids don’t grow up the way that I did. For many reasons, we live an attachment parenting lifestyle. This is a parenting philosophy that proposes methods which aim to promote the attachment of mother and…
The Most Amazing Nursing Bra You Will Ever Own
I received this product in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own, please visit my disclaimer page for more information. It’s crazy to look back on my breastfeeding journey and realize that I’ve breastfed for the last five years. I breastfed Nolan until a few months after Harper was born and I breastfed Harper until a few months before Scarlet Reese was born and I’ve been breastfeeding Scarlet Reese going on nine months! So say I’ve done this for a while is an understatement, haha. I also want to share that I honestly never wear non nursing bras unless you include sports bras. When I am wearing…
Mornings are Tough but It gets Easier
This post is sponsored by Playtex Baby. All opinions are my own and you can read more information on my disclaimer page. I am not even going to pretend that I am a morning person. I have never been one so; I understand the pain that the kids feel when I wake them up for school. Monday’s are normally the most rough mornings in our house because, over the course of the weekend, our schedules get off track. I am the one that gets Nolan to and from school every day and I’ve found that with a little prep the night before, I can make mornings a little easier. Nolan…
Dock A Tot Makes Nap Time Easy
I was given this product in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own. Please read my disclaimer page for more information. I feel like, the DockATot is one of the greatest inventions in baby products! Harper has used one for almost two years and when she decides to sleep in her bedroom some times, we always snuggle her in her Grand. Before Scarlet Reese was born, we set out her DockATot and talked with Nolan and Harper about the new addition that would be joining our family. They loved playing “baby” with stuffed animals and swaddling them in her DockATot. Scarlet Reese used her DockATot Deluxe up…