The Real Deal on Gut Health and Why It’s Important
This post contains affiliate links, if you choose to shop through them I will receive a commission at no additional cost to you. My views and opinions are never swayed because of this. I only recommend products and services I love Not gonna lie, until a few years ago I had no clue what “gut health” was. I have personally struggled with skin issues since I was young and after trying all the things, including perscription ointments and regimens, I was at my wits end because nothing could fully make them go away. The skin issues that I personally deal with are acne and psoriasis. I am in my 30s…
Kombucha and Overalls to the Rescue
overalls | shirt | shoes | necklace | lipstick 25 weeks and the time is flying… I feel like this pregnancy is going by so quickly because I know it’s my last. It makes me so sad knowing this will be the last time I carry and birth a baby. Any other mamas have the same feelings when you decide this is your “last?” Life with multiple children is so beautifully chaotic and I know that having four will be even more interesting. The weather is warming up, which means that we’ve been spending as much time outdoors as possible. We all thrive better when we have had time outside…