• Fashion

    Sweet Little Ladies

    Happy Friday ya’ll I can’t believe that we are through the week! I know if you’re anything like me the weeks are flying by at an astonishing rate and I am begging for time to slow down. I see this passing of time in my children’s faces and it makes me so upset about how quickly time actually does goodbye. As I sit and look at trends in the things that I have bought for my children throughout the years, I can say that Freshly Picked shoes aren’t just a trend, but a necessity. Before I had any shoes from Freshly Picked, I balked at the price because let’s be…

  • Fashion

    Mom Glam Thanks to Pieces Boutique

    top | jeans | shoes | sunglasses | earrings This blog is in partner with Pieces Boutique. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Please read my disclaimer page for more information. Happy Thursday ya’ll! This week is really flying by. I am super impressed with the weather warming up a little. It’s been SO cold here (40s and 50s are cold for me as a Southerner) and I am enjoying this weather. I don’t know about ya’ll but now that it’s February, I really have that itch for summer. When it’s nicer, I also get outside a lot more alone and with the kids. I’ve taken full advantage of…

  • Health


    My family and I have lived a non toxic lifestyle for almost 6.5 years now and I’ve researched and learned a lot through out that time. I am not a doctor so please don’t think of this as medical advice, but I have done more than my fair share of research. Also my husband is a Doctor of Chiropractic so between him and myself, we are very confident in our decisions when it comes to treating our family holistically. During cold and flu season, I am very passionate about treating without prescription meds. I feel like this is something that we can all learn from and use to really take…

  • Recipes

    Derrek’s Sweet Potato Hash

    Happy Friday ya’ll! I cannot believe that another week has come and gone ANNDDDD the fact that January just went and disappeared on us is mind blowing. I am so excited that it’s time to share another recipe with ya’ll. Derrek and I have really stepped up our cooking game and we actually get competitive about what we are cooking when it’s our turn. There are nights that I like to go work out later at night and on those nights Derrek cooks so we can get the kids to sleep at their normal time. He has signature meals that he always pulls out to cook and this sweet potato…

  • Fashion,  Makeup

    Mascara Maven

    Happy Monday ya’ll! I can’t believe another weekend has flown by, I hope you soaked it all up and it helped prepare you for the busy day ahead. As you know, in 2019 one of the things that I am focusing on with my content is a weekly schedule. Every Monday will showcase something about makeup. I love that this schedule is now set in place because it gives each of you something to look forward to no matter what draws you to my blog. This week, I’m sharing what I’ve learned about mainstream mascara brands and giving you tips on how to use my favorites. For years, I couldn’t…