Hey There Mama
dress | shoes – sold out Vici Dolls | necklaces
Happy Wednesday friends! I cannot believe the weekend is almost here, thank GOODNESS. These last few weeks of pregnancy are always really hard for me physically and mentally but I am trucking it through while I can. I’m trying to pack in as much fun stuff as possible for the remainder of my pregnancy. Nolan’s birthday is right around the corner so we have planned a little party for him this weekend. SUPER simple and small, he is just so excited to have a whole day devoted to him! I cannot believe I will have a 6 year old in a few days. TIME FLIES for sure!
Also, I haven’t cooked anything out of my basic routine this past week because I am just so tired but I am definitely craving a few different things. I am excited to share my cravings because they are always entertaining to me.
At 37 weeks, I am craving the following:
-boiled peanuts (the saltier the better)
-watermelon (DUH!)
-local peaches
-chicken salad with apples
-sweet potato fries
-crushed ice
what are your pregnancy cravings? I would love to hear more and hear some of the funny things that your little babe wants.