
Did you know that pineapple is nature’s cough medicine?

All opinions are from my own experience. This is not medical advice. Please consult with your doctor for more information.

One winter, a few years ago, my children came down with winter colds. They had hacking coughs that lingered and wouldn’t resolve. I remember feeling like I had tried everything and felt very flustered that nothing had worked. I was up reading one night during this and came across the health benefits of fruits. Pineapple was on the list and it was like a light bulb when off when I read the about it helping helpful with coughs.

Pineapples contain bromelain which is in an anti-inflammatory enzyme. This not only helps with joint pain and chronic inflammation but also reducing mucus during colds which helps reduce coughs. Bromelain helps to fight infections and kills bacteria making it very helpful during a cold.

I always give this to my children when they are sick, especially with bad coughs and it always helps resolve their symptoms within a few days. The coughs don’t linger in our household anymore.

Have you ever tried pineapple juice? Here is how I make ours:

It’s super easy and my kids love eating pineapple and drinking the juice. Have you ever tried it?