Little blue dress.
dress | shoes (similar) | bangles I am all about leggings and over sized shirts during the fourth trimester. There’s nothing better than being comfortable while your body is healing and you have a newborn to take care of. On the off chances you need to dress nicer than your typical mom uniform, I’ve got you covered! Wearing clothing postpartum is all about figuring out what works for your body and not trying to get your body to work to fit into the clothing. One of the worst things you can do to yourself while you already feel a certain way about your body is trying to stuff it in…
Post partum Mom Outfit
Today, I’m going to tell you how glamorous postpartum is. JUST KIDDING! At the end of my pregnancy, I wore dresses every single day – not because I wanted to look put together but because the thought of wearing pants or shorts of any kind drove me crazy with discomfort, especially with temps close to 100 degrees each day. Now that the baby is here and I am back at home, I’ve gotten a lot of questions about what I am wearing. I am breastfeeding so what tops I wear really require ease of access. I recently made a trip to the GAP Factory outlet store while we were in Charleston and…
Into the Blue
Dress | Purse | Shoes Last weekend, I had the pleasure of going to the local farmers market with Derrek. There are so many beautiful parts about Summerville, I have really enjoyed exploring and finding them. It was really great to also get some alone time with my Hubby before our third baby comes. I know it wasn’t exactly a babymoon but spending any amount of time, short or long, makes me so happy and refills my love cup! I’ve been wearing dresses daily at this point and when I found this nursing friendly navy maxi I knew I wanted to add it to my wardrobe. I love the Nom…
Hot, hot, hot!
Dress |Shoes If you’ve been keeping up with my blog, you know that I’ve been living in dresses at this point in my pregnancy. This Sunday marked 38 weeks of this pregnancy and I am all about comfort for my big Buddha belly. That combined with a crazy heat wave with temps over 100 degrees has kept me in cool options as well. I love the clothing line Mott 50 because of how soft the fabrics they use are. All of their pieces are made with breathable cotton that is also SPF 50 so you can keep your skin protected when you’re outside. This dress isn’t a maternity dress but…
Little Black Dress
dress | shoes 37 weeks is here and I am feeling it! Lack of sleep and the baby getting into position to come join us Earth-side is taking its toll on me. I am trying to spend as much time hanging out with the kids and with Derrek as possible before our world changes. I am excited for the change, but I am also soaking in the last days of us being a family of four. Being at the end of pregnancy means trying my best to stay comfortable no matter what. That goal combined with this hot Southern heat has me living in breathable dresses. I cannot tell you…