Baby Care Brands We Love Right Now
As a mom of five, you can only imagine the questions I get about baby products. I will be the first to say that less is more. I used to want to buy ALL. THE. THINGS. Now that I am more seasoned, it’s a lot easier to buy less and focus on the things that we love for our babies. I do have two under two so I do have some first hand knowledge of the best brands for crunchy mamas to use for their babies and I would love to share with y’all! Also note that when I refer to you as crunchy mamas, it is a loving term.

“A crunchy mom is a woman on a quest for more information. A mom who is environmentally, health, and socially conscious. She cares enough about her family to question the status quo. Sher recognizes that there are a variety of approaches to individual problems and refuses to be locked into a single perspective. She seeks to learn more about why things happen and tries to discover the root cause of the problems she observes.”

So, as a mama who is wanting to do the best for her babies in all the worlds, what must have products would I recommend? Here are our must haves right now:
1. Honest Diapers – Ya’ll! I have tried all sorts of non toxic diapers and I rotate between Honest, Parasol, Seventh Generation and Hello Bello (when I’m out of everything and I can grab easily from Target) I buy a once a month diaper bundle shipment from Honest that really does help me so much right now. As I’ve mentioned, we are transitioning Mercy to cloth diapers (more to come on that topic soon) so we are keeping Mercy in disposables during certain hours and Vivi in them until she gets older. My bundle shipment is delivered directly to our house and I just unpack and have diapers for the month. #winning
2. Seventh Generation Wipes – I know that I talked about the diaper bundle I get every month from Honest BUT it does not come with enough wipes to last me the month. I have tried all sorts of different types of wipes and my favorite non toxic brand (we use non toxic wipes because others give my babies rashes in their privates) is Seventh Generation. HANDS DOWN. The flip top is a must for me ( who wants to deal with trying to stick a label during the middle of changing a poop?) and the wipes clean really well so I use less. I buy them in bulk and it helps me save money.
3. Baltic Amber Teething Necklaces + Bracelets – I literally devoted an entire blog post associated with teething necklaces and why we love them. Check it out here. I have used baltic amber teething necklaces with each of my children and I can see noticeable differences in fussiness and drooling during teething when they do not have them on. Vivi is working on her first two teeth and Mercy is working on her molars so they are both wearing one. I love the brand Baltic Mermaid because she makes them with other gemstones and it’s owned by a mama. Supporting small and female owned businesses means a lot to me. I have a discount code if you’d like to try them for your littles, it is:
4. Beautycounter Baby Line – Ok, I will be the first to admit when I saw this line and the price tag, I was like oh no. But hear me out! Y’all, one of the things I realized when I started buying baby products are how many that say “safe” “organic” “all natural” “eczema relief” when in fact they are NONE of that. It’s called green washing and companies lie like this all the time so that we as the consumer buys their products. Once I realized this, I was spending alot of money trying to find natural baby product lines. I was gifted this set during a baby shower and was SHOCKED because it lasted me 8 months for ONE child. Talk about high performing! All of my friends love this line as do I. It has helped my children so much with their dry skin and I use the Baby Oil and Balm a lot on my own skin and when pregnant. The balm is a perfect all purpose product that works wonders on healing skin.
5. Burts Bees Clothing – one of the brands that I have always purchased and loved for my babies is the Burts Bees brand. Their clothing is very much so “my style” and easily mixed with other colors and fabrics. Their clothes are organic and super soft! I love this tie dye romper that I recently found for Vivi. Most of the time, I catch their sales (if you sign up for their emails it alerts you when they have them) and stock up on things like PJs and clothing for the younger girls. I even love their family jammies for winter!
These are the baby items that I can honestly say have been well loved and used by all of my littles. They are all great staples to use and a way to steer clear from all the *junk* that tends to try and overtake your life after a baby enters your home! As a mom of five, these are my “go to’s” and I hope they help you in your home too.