5 non-toxic cleaning products to use in your home
Disclaimer: this post contains affiliate links. If you click a link and make a purchase, I will receive a commission at no additional cost to you. My views and opinions are never swayed because of this. I only recommend products and services I truly love and use myself.
Let’s talk nontoxic cleaning products. One of the biggest swaps you can make for your health is what you use when you clean the inside of your home.
First of all, why does it matter that what you’re cleaning with is nontoxic? Because most mainstream cleaning products contain ingredients that can cause indoor air pollution. Did you know that indoor air pollution is one of the leading issues we are facing with our health?
Regulations for chemicals used in products sold in the United States have a lot (and I mean a lot!) of room for improvement. Because of weak regulations, our beloved homes where we eat, sleep and raise our families, are filled with products that could be harming our health. For this reason it was one of the swaps that I made early on in my non-toxic journey.
Soooooo… what products do I suggest? Almost ten years into my nontoxic lifestyle, I’ve tried everything under the sun in my home including DIY nontoxic cleaners. Here are the ones that made the cut and we use daily:
- Force of Nature
- Norwex mop system + Norwex microfiber cloths
- Thieves spray
- White Vinegar
- Baking Soda⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
I know that finding products that work can be somewhat confusing and you can end up wasting a lot of money. I wanna help you take the stress out of learning something new and give you a few options to choose when you are choosing safer cleaning products.
Here are my top 5 go to cleaning products that I LOVE and use in the interior of my home:
Force of Nature is a patented appliance that uses electricity to change the chemical composition of salt, water and vinegar into a powerful multi-purpose cleaner & deodorizer called electrolyzed water. Electrolyzed water has no harmful ingredients, residues or fumes and contains just 2 gentle, yet potent ingredients: Hypochlorous acid (a gentle ingredient that’s as effective as bleach) and Sodium hydroxide (a detergent + grease-cutter without suds). It has no dyes, fragrances, preservatives, surfactants, bleach, or any other harmful chemicals. It is gentle enough to use without rinsing – even on baby toys. You make Force of Nature on your kitchen countertop, so you can make it whenever you need it, which also allows you to completely eliminate single-use plastic bottles.
Click here to read my review on Force of Nature or check it out for yourself here!
Norwex products are non-toxic, reusable products that are not only safe and effective for your home, but are good for the environment. Instead of relying on chemicals, they use physical power to clean. Norwex Microfiber lifts, grabs and traps dirt and grime, and can remove up to 99% of bacteria from a surface using only water. Norwex’s microfiber cloths contain silver ions (silver is known for its antibacterial properties) that they call BacLock technology – which helps self-purify the wet microfiber cloth as it dries.
Read more about my love of Norwex in this blog post.
Please note: I am not a Norwex consultant. I suggest connecting with someone in your area to place an order and answer questions if you’re interested in purchasing.
Thieves Household Cleaner uses only plant-based and naturally derived ingredients to effectively clean your home without taking synthetic shortcuts or using potentially harsh ingredients. Ultra-concentrated and non-abrasive, Thieves Household Cleaner is perfect for just about any surface and is infused with Young Living’s signature Thieves premium essential oil blend that will fill your home with a rich, spicy aroma. You can use Thieves Cleaner as an all purpose cleaner, a degreaser, on glass + mirrors, as a carpet cleaning solution, a stain remover roll-on, on tubs, tile, stainless steel, mattresses, wood floors, jewelry, + more!
Please note: I am not a Young Living consultant. I suggest connecting with someone in your area to place an order and answer questions if you’re interested in purchasing.
Vinegar is nontoxic, eco-friendly, multipurpose, and… super cheap making it an easy cleaning swap to non-toxic. White distilled vinegar is the best vinegar for cleaning because it doesn’t contain a coloring agent and it won’t stain surfaces (staining can happen when cleaning with a darker-colored vinegar).
Read more about how I use white vinegar in this post.
Baking soda is one of the most underrated cleaning products. Most people think of baking when they think of baking soda, but there are actually a ton of ways it can be used for cleaning!
Have you thought about swapping to nontoxic cleaners? It’s a switch you’ll greatly benefit from and isn’t as hard as you think! Plus by voting with your dollars you are also signaling to the market the need for safer, natural products – and that’s a win for everyone!