Working Out From Home

Today, I wanted to talk to you all about something that will totally change your life. I am always one to talk about how staying healthy and active is important but during these times, it’s definitely a little harder! I know many of you are busy moms who are desperately trying to homeschool kids, work from home, and keep everything together! A month ago I was posting about how much I love going to my yoga studio, but the times have drastically changed since then.
My studio is closed and I am left with no fitness options outside the home. In most of the country, all gyms and fitness centers are closed. It’s hard to be accountable, but I know how important it is to maintain some level of activity. Aside from taking a million walks and bike rides with Derrek and the kids, I have had to figure out another way to take time to exercise. During a time like this, exercise will help relieve stress and re-center you to make you a better mom, wife, friend, etc.
Derrek and I are in the process of. turning a section of the garage into a little home gym and I’ll be sure to show you more of our workouts as we get it ready.
Here’s the workout that Derrek did today and he said it worked him out so hard he was impressed with himself. You can follow @drderrekdwayne for more workout Inspo. I will continue to post variations like this as the weeks go on. The best part of a home workout is that you can do it anywhere with just your surroundings. Let me know when you try this workout, I would love to hear your feedback:
4 sets /15 reps
30-60 seconds between sets
4 sets /15 reps
30-60 seconds between sets
Body weight squats:
4 sets/ 12 reps
30-60 seconds between sets
Chair dips:
4 sets/ 8 reps
30-60 seconds between sets
Take one minute and thirty seconds between each workout.
I hope you guys give this a shot and enjoy it.Just remember during this time that us moms are doing a lot. It’s so important for you to remember to take time for yourself. Self-care is extremely important right now and your body will totally thank you!