• Health,  Makeup

    Acne Struggles? Try this mask!

    I have struggled with acne my entire life. Acne on my face, neck and chest is something that has always been an issue on my skin but I NEVER took the time to even ask why this could be. A few years ago, I decided to dig deeper and that’s when I associated a lot to my personal care products, my diet and then stress. Stress is the constant factor in my acne as of right now as I’ve worked on all of the other issues. I have had a lot of friends and family message me asking what to do about their “mask-ne”(acne as a result of wearing a…

  • Health,  Makeup

    Nontoxic Hair Styling Products

    Let’s talk hair. We all have it (well, most of us do) and it’s something that you have to maintain. I know when my hair looks good, I feel super confident. Who else has a obsession with their hair? One question that I get a lot is what styling products do I use that aren’t toxic. I didn’t realize this would have been a big issue until I started looking into the products I was using. I have psoriasis and I’ve always had extreme issues with skin irritation and I never knew what would cause it to flare up. Now I know that fragrance and SLS in my styling products…