• Health

    I’VE HAD ENOUGH! I’m spilling the tea on melatonin!

    Making this swap is important for your sleep and overall health. This also goes for NyQuil, Sleeping aids or even Benadryl. (All things people have shared with me so they could get to sleep) Cutting out melatonin use is very important, mostly because it teaches your body to not naturally make it and you can become dependent on artificial forms. Melatonin is ubiquitous. It is present in nearly all life forms, including plants and animals, and even single cell organisms. Evolutionarily, it dates back billions of years serving essential cellular processes with its antioxidant and free radical scavenging functions, and more recently as a key element in the regulation of circadian rhythms and…

  • Health

    Natural Ways to Fight Anxiety

    The laundry is piled a mile high, your car is in the shop and the bill seems astronomical, your kids won’t quit drawing on the walls, your “to-do” list is just to long to actually tackle. Any of those things sound familiar? There can be a million things you need to get done but all you want to do is curl up in the fetal position and hide from the world. When you live life with anxiety, it’s really hard to move forward and overcome the stress of every day life. I’ve personally dealt with anxiety for years and I can say that I finally feel like I’ve gotten a…