• Fitness

    Why Women Should Rest Postpartum to Heal Properly

    “Do you want to wear an adult diaper for the rest of your life?” I’ll never forget my midwife asking me this after I had my fourth baby. It was a wake up call for me because I had never truly taken the time to rest after having my first 3 babies. I did struggle physically, emotionally and spiritually and I don’t want that for anyone else. So why should we rest postpartum and not get back into the swing of our normal routine? 1. Rest is key for physical healing. If you take the time to rest after giving birth it helps your wound stop bleeding around 2-4 weeks…

  • Health,  Recipes

    How to shop for produce at the grocery store

    Would anyone like help shopping healthy at the grocery store? I remember when I first decided to eat better and was walking the aisles of the grocery store. My mind was spinning, I was so confused, and I couldn’t even make choices to put in my cart. I was seriously considering backing out of this health change. Thankfully, I bucked up and made it through… but not without lots and lots of mistakes. Those mistakes helped me learn and gain confidence in my diet. Over time, I’ve learned so much about foods and what they really do in our bodies. While I do always recommend shopping organic, I know that…

  • Fitness,  Health

    Health Journey – The “YES” List

    I want to state to everyone before you read more into this post. As someone who changed her entire life around by starting my health journey in the weight loss category, I know that some people may not feel the need to do the same. I never focus on a particular number when it comes to weight loss, it’s more about seeing your body thrive and you be able to actually ENJOY your life than dealing with health issues. I recently shared my story and what started my health journey and y’all want more info so here it goes… Rarely do you hear “DO’s” when you’re trying to maintain a…