• Health

    411 on Bluelight

    Have you ever heard of blue light? I am going to assume no because until recently I had no idea what it was myself! Blue light comes from the sun, as well as LED lights and digital device screens. People today are exposed to more blue light than ever. Blue light suppresses our body’s release of melatonin, which helps regulate our sleep cycles. More of it during the day helps us to stay awake, and less of it at night makes us sleep better. The problem is that with digital screens at work, home and school, there are more sources of blue light than ever. Most American’s daily screen time…

  • Home

    My Costco Must Haves

    One of the most requested blog topics, ya’ll ask for is “what’s on my Costco grocery list?” Long story short, I head to Costco once a month and stock up on things for the house. Every weekend, I make a trip to the local Walmart and have been pretty impressed by their selection. I have shared my Costco finds on my instastories several times but I’ve never had the patience to do the same while at Wal-Mart because it’s crazy town. That one glorious day a month that I head to Costco, it’s truly special yall! I don’t get EVERYTHING there but it does help me out in the snack…