How I Make Life Easier – My Current Top Five Home Deliveries
Little Southern Life uses affiliate links and may get a commission if you make a purchase by clicking though one of the links below. Using affiliate links is at no additional cost to you. I try to lighten my load in whatever areas I can. One of the things that has really helped make a difference in my life is delegating some of my shopping through online channels. It’s BEYOND helpful not to have to spend the small amount of time I have alone in a store when I could be working and not having to truck all the kids into the store with me. Online shopping has changed my…
My Costco Must Haves
One of the most requested blog topics, ya’ll ask for is “what’s on my Costco grocery list?” Long story short, I head to Costco once a month and stock up on things for the house. Every weekend, I make a trip to the local Walmart and have been pretty impressed by their selection. I have shared my Costco finds on my instastories several times but I’ve never had the patience to do the same while at Wal-Mart because it’s crazy town. That one glorious day a month that I head to Costco, it’s truly special yall! I don’t get EVERYTHING there but it does help me out in the snack…