Stop and smell the azaleas
Hey ya’ll! I hope that you’re having a great start to your week. I am struggling to get back into work mode. It is SO gorgeous outside and we have been spending every moment we can enjoying it. Right down from our house, at our friend’s home, is this beautiful row of azaleas that I have been itching to take pictures at. We have an upcoming family photoshoot coming up so I really wanted to take our pictures there but with our finicky weather, the frost put a stop to that idea. I was still able to shoot a few pictures of the girls before we picked Nolan up from school. I LOVE azaleas not only because of how beautiful they are but because they remind me of my Mammy. She was the sweetest lady and she had tons of azaleas on her property. She passed away when I was in middle school but to this day, every time I see them, I feel like that’s her way to show me that she is with me. She is someone that I spent a lot of time with growing up and I miss her dearly.
Do ya’ll have any special memories associated with Spring flowers? I wish this time of year would last forever!