• Lifestyle

    Lorena Canals Washable Rug For the Win

    My kitchen is a place of solace for me. I spend countless hours preparing food for myself and my family every day. Sadly, it’s the place that often gets looked over when it comes to updating. I am working on changing that, little by little, because it is a place that I spend so much time in. Student loans kill our bank account and so that keeps me in check when it comes to re-doing something in our house. I’ve been lucky enough to work with a few companies to help spruce up this area and it is finally coming together. Something that I knew that I wanted for our…

  • Health

    Step Away from the Princess Elsa Body Wash

    One of the things that I dread about Christmas is the number of toxic fragrance filled body washes my children recieve as presents from their grandparents. Y’all know the ones that I am refering too, the ones with your kiddos favorite TV and movie characters on them. It makes me cringe because I know they are going to have a meltdown for them and it’s hard to explain why they can’t take a bath with their Nemo bubble bath or Frozen body wash. Trying to get my little’s to understand that kids do not need them as presents, is like talking to a brick wall and knowing that they are literally money down the drain. It makes…

  • Kids,  Lifestyle

    Ergo-dynamic Nursing Pillow

    I received this product in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. Read my disclaimer page for more information. Breastfeeding has been the most intense and amazing journey that I have ever been on! With each child, you would think it gets easier but each baby is so different! This is a subject that I get asked about constantly from my readers and followers. Although, I am not a lactation consultant, I can share my personal experience with breastfeeding three children and what has worked and not worked for us. Nolan breastfed like a champ, Harper took some time to get her latch right and Scarlet Reese is a toss…

  • Fashion

    Winterwear Coffee Date

      top | jeans | boots | necklace | bracelets | cup  Holy smokes y’all, it’s almost Christmas! I don’t know about anyone else but I am over here singing “just keep swimming” over and over and over again. This post was supposed to go live on Monday but I have so much going on that it just made it’s way to my blog today. I have a lot of stuff that is weighing heavily on my mind… my Dad is having health issues and my 10 year old doggie is not doing the best either. On top of that, I have all the kids with me and I’ve had…

  • Giveaways,  Recipes

    Turmeric and Bonafide Provisions bone broth goodness

    Cold and flu season has attacked my household pretty bad this year. Nolan started school and has brought home every single cold and bug you can think of. While I am happy that with each one, it builds our immune systems a little more, I am so over being sick! Last weekend I visited my sister and she cooked a huge crockpot turmeric and bone broth soup to help strengthen our bodies. Turmeric and bone broth are two things that everyone should have permanently stocked in their pantries. Turmeric is a healing spice with many health benefits. It can be used to help as a decongestant, liver detox, cancer preventive,…