Kombucha and Overalls to the Rescue
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25 weeks and the time is flying… I feel like this pregnancy is going by so quickly because I know it’s my last. It makes me so sad knowing this will be the last time I carry and birth a baby. Any other mamas have the same feelings when you decide this is your “last?” Life with multiple children is so beautifully chaotic and I know that having four will be even more interesting.
The weather is warming up, which means that we’ve been spending as much time outdoors as possible. We all thrive better when we have had time outside and I love that all of the kids share that with me. We have several places we can walk in our neighborhood and trails so that’s been a main daily focus. Nolan and Harper either walk or ride their bikes and SR rides in the stroller and then we all race home/the car.
Along with making sure that we get outside now that the weather is nice, we have all been making sure that we amp up our immune systems. Kombucha is one of my go-to additions share with anyone wanting to do more for their health. Kombucha is a fermented tea that contains many healing properties. The high amount of gluconic acid and probiotics helps to detoxify and counteract liver cell toxicity by protecting the liver from toxins in the body. Kombucha supports and aids in digestion because of high levels of beneficial acids, probiotics and enzymes that can help with things like heartburn and stomach ulcers. During the fermentation process, iron and small amounts of caffeine are released, which improves oxygen supply and boosts the energy producing process at a cellular level. With large amounts of antioxidants and vitamin C, kombucha supports the immune system, helps the body fight free radicals and protects against anti inflammatory diseases like cancer and tumors. Kombucha is also loaded with glucosamines, which support the preservation of collagen. It can ease joint pain, prevent arthritic pain and help minimize the appearance of wrinkles.
My two favorite brands are HealthAid and KeVita Drinks. I have been able to find them at my local grocery stores and sometimes Target. I would suggest trying one before you buy a bunch of them, just to figure out which ones you like the best.