Immune Boosting Smoothie (KID APPROVED!)

This post is in partner with Wedderspoon Honey. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
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One of the biggest objections I hear when I talk with other moms about healthy eating is that their kids just won’t do it. I’m not going to pretend like I haven’t been there myself with my children refusing to eat something but I am here to share a secret… there is a way around picky eaters, it just takes a little more work on your end.
I’ve found that as my children grow older, that they are more picky. We chose to explore baby led weaning with all five of them and I have seen a dramatic difference in what my children will eat verses people that don’t focus on the texture of foods as they grow and allow for more purees. By introducing children to texture at early ages it really can make a difference in what foods they will eat. I have also been able to get my children to learn to like vegetables by allowing them to tell me how to cook them as the children grow older in age. They love the control it gives them in deciding how I cook the foods we eat. Sometimes they won’t eat certain things and when that happens, I have another trick up my sleeve.
Smoothies are my secret go to when I want to immune boost the kids with supplements or foods they won’t normally eat. I hide EVERYTHING in my smoothies and they kids love them so much they often ask for smoothies during the week for breakfast or for a snack. The secret is not adding to much of each quantity so the taste remains hidden!
Magically the kids have eaten all the things I had struggled to get them to without me having to beg and plead. We choose to use berry bases to our smoothies for extra antioxidants but you can do whatever you’d like. I also love using manuka honey as natural sweetener. Manuka honey is a superfood I would learn more about if you’re interested in adding more health benefits in your life.
My top benefits of manuka honey are:
1. boosts immunity
2. fights MSRA
3. soothes throat infections
4. prevents oral infections
5. helps treat wounds
6. supports gut health
Let me know if you try this and if your kids love it just as much as mine do. Use code: LITTLESOUTHERNWIFE for 10% off of your Manuka purchase.

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