How to Survive Teething

Happy Humpday ya’ll! I am so stoked that we are half way through the week. I have some big plans for this weekend that include starting our raised bed gardens and the weekend can’t come soon enough. (I’ll be sure to keep ya’ll updated on our gardens as we go!) This week, all the kids have been in school – thank GOODNESS the flu has finally left our house – and so that means it’s just been me and my Mercy girl. She has seriously been the best baby and I am so thankful that she has been because have you met my 3rd child, haha! Lately, she’s gotten a little more fussy than she’s ever been and I know what’s right around the corner. Her first tooth.
The world of teething is hard. Trust me, I remember when my first child, Nolan, had his first tooth break through. My husband was at our old church with the youth group for a Super Bowl party and Nolan was a fussy, feverish, drooling mess. He cried like he never cried before and I knew that something was off. I started feeling in his mouth and this sharp pointy thing made me have an “ah ha” moment. He was getting his first tooth. As a new mom, I was blindsided. I didn’t know what to do to help him so I started researching. This led me to find Baltic Amber teething necklaces.