Five Things I Do To Stay Organized + Printable 30 Day De Clutter Chart
Unless you’re just like me and wired to love organizing, I can see how it’s totally overwhelming. That’s the biggest response I get from friends and family when I mention organizing and how it really helps my mental headspace. With that in mind, it really does halt people before they can even get started so let me be here to cheer YOU on if anything I shared above applies to you. Organizing will change your life and I’m here to take the stress away and share things I’ve learned that are really helpful!
- Know what you can tackle – it’s easier to pick a random cabinet or corner of clutter than to clean out a room that hasn’t been touched in a few years. Start small and work your way into larger segments of cleaning.
- Set organizing goals – I like to have two sets of goals for organizing. Smaller goals that I can easily knock out in 30 ish minutes and then larger goals that will take me a few hours or even a few days. When I have the time to them, I plug in the goals in the time slots.
- Make organizing a time slot in your schedule – just like going to the gym or a dinner date with your significant other, organizing fits into your schedule and will actually get accomplished when it’s treated as something you need to get done. By doing this, my life functions so much easier than living in a constant state of chaos.
- Be committed to it – Organizing doesn’t get done by anyone else but you. If you’re not doing it, it’s obvious. Don’t let it overwhelm you, take control and tackle SOMETHING, anything, it doesn’t matter. But be happy with what effort you’re making if you’re committing and showing up.
- Sort as you organize – When you make different piles or have different spaces designated for the things you’re organizing you can easily purge useless and unused items to declutter. I make three piles: donate, trash and relocate items.
With these five tips in mind, I hope you’re feeling empowered and ready to take control of the organizing that will forever be a part of your life.
The beautiful artwork you see in my living room was commissioned by a local artist named Bree Dubose, you can view her work and connect with her by clicking here.
If you’re ready to really spring into a new year and move your house in a more organized direction, I’ve got you covered with a printable and downloadable graphic that covers the next 30 days of daily organizing tasks. Make this work for you, set yourself up for success by printing it out and adding in my five tips from above. Good luck! You’ve got this!