
  • Home,  Kids

    My Must Have Baby Registry Items

    This is going to be super short and sweet because baby registries should all be both of those. I’ve learned that with babies come lots of “things” and less is more. You do not need all the things you think you do. They just take up lots of space, remain unused and you could have spent that money on things you’ll actually use like diapers. All the diapers! When I was pregnant with Nolan, I remember going to Target with the scanner and just scanning so much junk. Junk that my friends and family paid for and literally sat in piles at my house unused after the baby came. Y’all,…

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    Toxic Swap: Plastic for Stainless Steel

    This post is in partner with Healthy Human. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Please read my disclaimer page for more information. One of things I didn’t know until I really took the time to learn was what exactly is in plastic. I am specifically asking about plastic containers and plastic water bottles (refillable and disposable). The biggest issue with using plastic is that it exposes you to harmful toxins that leach from the products. Even when using it for drinking, you’re drinking water but the chemicals in the bottles – especially when heated like left in the car – get dumped directly into the water. If you use…

  • Health,  Home

    Immune Boosting With Essential Oils

    With the starting of school and changing of the seasons, germs are sure to spread around more than normal. For this reason, we as a family focus on boosting our immune systems as much as possible with fresh organic foods, supplements and vitamins (read more about those here) and of course essential oils. I’ve used essential oils for almost 8 years now and it’s one of my favorite switches to safer. Before oils, I didn’t realize how much I could actually use them for and now I feel like there is an oil for everything. I am very picky about the quality of essential oils and you really do get…

  • Health,  Home

    Still drinking tap water? STOP! Do this instead.

    This post is in partner with Crystal Quest. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Please read my disclaimer page for more information. Happy Monday ya’ll! I know that even though I am feeling suppperrrr tired from a long night of no sleep (thank you teething!) I’m super pumped because we finally got our Crystal Quest under the sink water filtration system installed! It has taken me months to get an electrician and plumber to our house to do the job – I started the process during their “busy season” of course! I’ve wanted to do this for quite sometime now. We’ve been using water filters on the faucet and…

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    Mommin’ Made Easy with the Baby Delight Playpen + G I V E A W A Y

    This post is in partner with Baby Delight. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Please read my disclaimer page for more information. As a mom of four, I am often told: “Man, I just don’t know how you do it with all those kids.” It’s something that makes me smile and also makes me shake my head at the same time. I don’t claim to be that “perfect mom” who has her whole life together. Most days are struggle bus central but the real truth about navigating motherhood is that every day is different, it’s not always easy and its never perfect. I have four children at four very…