Breakfast goals thanks to Walmart
This is a sponsored post, but all opinions are my own.
With three littles, mealtimes can be quite interesting to navigate. For this reason, I have
focused on finding organic but easy to fix meals that all of my kids enjoy. My family and
I, are weekly Walmart shoppers and have recently gotten into the grocery store pick up
that they offer – yet another way to take away from my weekly to-do list. I love that
Walmart has focused on stocking organic products, it has really helped make it easier
to find food in one place for my family.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A good breakfast fuels you up and
gets you ready for the day. In general, kids and teens who eat breakfast have more
energy, do better in school, and eat better throughout the day. Without breakfast,
people can get irritable, restless, and tired. I am not a morning person, at all… combine
that with the kids demanding food as soon as they wake up and you’ve got the perfect
combo to eat cereal for breakfast. We actually love the Annie’s and Cascadian Farm
brand cereals because they are an organic option for everyone. I always add some sort
of fruit like cut strawberries, sliced bananas or a handful of blueberries and coconut
milk to make it more of a balanced meal.
My children’s two favorite cereals from Walmart are Cascadian Farm Oats and Honey
and Annie’s Organic Cocoa Bunnies. They don’t always want the same thing so I try to
get both of these every week so they can pick when we are having cereal that morning.
My three children are not that picky but they do love picking out their own breakfasts
and they normally have it all set out on the counter before I even get to the kitchen.
This is so cute to witness, especially first thing in the morning. I love that they are so
independent and like contributing to the flow of our household. I strongly suggest
heading to Walmart and checking out Cascadian Farm and Annie’s products. They
offer a ton of great family friendly options and you’d be surprised how beneficial it can
be for your family and your sanity.