Fashion,  Health

Boss Babe

This is a post that’s very near and dear to my heart and I am excited to share it with you today! I try to practice gratitude in my day-to-day life and something I don’t feel like I talk about enough is how GRATEFUL I am to work for Beautycounter. You guys, I can’t POSSIBLY put into words how thankful I am for this company, our leaders, and the products we offer. Working for Beautycounter has changed. my. life.

As a mother of 5 very small children, I can only tell you that the thought of making money while working from my iPhone out of my “mom car” seemed like a total fantasy. I spend over 60% of my day in my car taking the kids to school, going to yoga, meetings, product drop-offs, errands, you name it! I am constantly on the go and feel like I never stop.

SO much of what I do with my Beautycounter business involves the use of an app called Voxer… which is basically a walkie-talkie that I use to stay in touch with my ever-growing team. I am able to conduct a TON of business with them while riding in the car whether it’s answering their questions or conducting an on-the-spot training. SO much of what I do depends on the success of my team so it’s imperative that I am able to be in constant touch with them. Unlike other businesses where company leaders are glued to a desk, I have the freedom to live my life while conducting my business. I can truly run this business from ANYWHERE.

When I think about how much it would cost to put my kids in childcare so that I could work outside the home, the numbers just baffle me. My Beautycounter business allows me to be ever-present for them and has become a life-changing job that helps my family in so many ways. Our products are second-to-none and sharing them with all of you has blessed us in ways that I never imagined possible. My only regrets in joining the Beautycounter mission are that I didn’t start sooner.

Something else about my job that’s important for me to share is how I have been able to show my children (especially my 4 daughters) that us moms can be more and do more. I want my daughters to grow up to be strong, independent women and it’s important for me to be able to set this example for them. I want them to be able to look back and think “Man, my mom worked hard for us…” and “She really believed in what she was doing!” Because our mission is to improve the personal care industry, what I am doing is going to affect future generations and the level of safety in their products. This is just so much more than “selling makeup” and I am happy my daughters are along for the ride in seeing it all come true. We are truly making a difference.

I would encourage anyone seeking a work-from-home opportunity to consider joining our mission. Not only will you be joining a company who’s mission is changing the world, but the earning potential is amazing. I have never heard of a company that invests so much into the training of their consultants as we do. You will be in good company with me as a mentor and the company support and training you receive will set you up for success right from the start. This opportunity has the potential to change your life in so many ways and I would love the chance to talk to you about it! Please reach out to me at [email protected] for more information about our mission and how you can become a Boss Babe today!

[ my sweatshirt* | sunglasses | keychain ]
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