Actually, I can!
(my top and boots are from Vici Dolls and are sold out, but I’ve linked similar ones below!)
If you’ve followed my blogging journey, then you’ve gotten more than your fair share of personal information about my life. If you are new to my blog, I’d like to share some information with you to give a little background about me. I used to live a really unhealthy lifestyle that I hated. When I realized I wanted to change my life for the better, I lost 60+ pounds and also became educated about non toxic living.
I have not always cared about being non toxic and I’ve personally seen several family members, including both of my parents, be diagnosed with different forms of cancer. It was only a few years ago that I made a connection between cancer and what’s in the foods we eat, products we use on our bodies and what we clean our houses with. I just started researching for myself and became outraged with every new thing I would learn about the truth!
The U.S. only screens five ingredients from our personal care and cleaning products per year for their safety (wouldn’t you think that this would be happening before a product is allowed to be sold?). The reality is that the industry isn’t regulated and anyone and everyone can go make whatever product they want with whatever they want in it and sell it…. no matter the long term health effects. That’s scary, right? Only 30 ingredients are banned from our personal care industry (1400 are banned in Europe) and labels like “Organic” and “All natural” mean nothing because they are just used to draw consumers into buying that product.
As a mom of three and one on the way, it infuriates me down to the core, that people are buying the very things that are making them sick and they have NO IDEA. My mother and my father are both grouped into that catagory. They use chemical filled products and foods that cause them the very issues they make numerous doctors appointments for with no answer for their issues. But, I know the truth. I decided to be a resource for anyone that wants to listen and wants to learn. I am not a ‘know-it-all” but I do share what I know and love. It makes me so happy to get emails and messages from y’all, thanking me for sharing what I do. THATS MY PURPOSE…. sharing so someone else can make a positive change for their health.
I want my children to grow up knowing that I chose the very best for them and decided to put our Health First… no matter the cost. In my opinion, if there’s a will, there’s a way. My husband and I aren’t millionaires and when I first got married, money was an issue. So I aligned myself with businesses that reflected my values and helped me get discounts on the products I wanted and used anyway. If you are struggling but want to make a change, signing up as a consultant with a company that you believe in is a way to enjoy the employee discount! If you’re already buying expensive products, what is there to use by switching to safer?
I don’t want y’all to have to play the guessing game like I did when I decided to transition. I wasted a lot of money on things that didn’t work like I wanted and although, I wish I could have aligned myself with certain companies sooner, I am grateful for the eye opening experiences I had trial and erroring my products. It has taught me how appreciative I am to have products that work and that I love!
You might not know this… but our voices matter. Small changes make even bigger impacts and when you decide to stand up to an unregulated industry, you find yourself meeting and interacting with powerful people doing the same thing! Being a voice for safer beauty and cleaning products has helped me realize that my purpose is spreading this information and also helping people with issues that they couldn’t get answers or positive results for. Support for reducing the use of harmful chemicals crosses all political and demographic lines.
Y’all helped me accomplish a huge milestone in my life. December and January were two months that I had to work really hard in to win a trip to Washington, DC and with your help, I did it! I won this trip with my Beautycounter business and on March 4th, I’ll be marching the Capital with 99 other consultants and the owners of Beautycounter to ask Congress to make a change in the beauty industry! I still can’t believe it’s true. I never thought that a stay at home mom that lives in the middle of the country by a farm would be taking the Hill by storm! It’s something that’s really important to me because I never want to just make an income, I want to make an impact. I know that I was placed on this Earth to help people and this is actually going to the source and demanding a change!!!! This is for my mom, my dad, my friend Ashlee who recently passed away from breast cancer, and all if YOU that I interact with everyday. You have shared some personal things with me that you’ve experienced in your families and with yourself and being able to help y’all is the reason why I do this!
I AM SO APPRECIATIVE FOR ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT. I know caps are annoying but I wanted everyone to hear that! It means the world to me to see so many of you making changes in your own lives. For yourselves and your families, y’all are making waves in the non toxic community. It’s only going to get better, my friends! If we stick to what we know and strive to do better, there’s no way it can’t.
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One Comment
Where can I find the source for the ingredients that are banned for US and Europe? TIA!