Monday Motivation Series
Happy Monday friends! I am gearing up for a very long week with lots of activities and appointments so I decided to jump start everything by sharing this blog. I have recently shared a lot about remembering why I started this blog and making sure to be totally transparent with my purpose. I want to continue to tell everyone that I rarely get paid posts as most bloggers do because I turn down ads that don’t fit my objective.
I started this place for it to be a reference for you to use as needed. I once lived a very unhealthy lifestyle where I ate junk food every meal, partied late night every night, smoked cigs and took medications like antidepressants and birth control. All of this took a tole on my health and once I realize it, I started making changes. I am thankful for my lowest point because it’s led me to this.
I feel like it’s been laid on my heart to share where I came from and this change that has turned my life around. I am a completely different person than I was 6 years ago and it’s all happened by transitioning to a non toxic lifestyle. I did blog about a health series when I first started and I’m going to bring that back for my Monday motivation posts. I hope y’all will enjoy this blog series and share with me anything you’d like to see and not see. I’m also linking a few of my previous posts here for you to read. (health series part one – two – three – four)
I am working on a tentative schedule for the rest of my blog week but with three kids five and under it’s hard to be strict with that schedule. Thank y’all for taking the time to read this little space of mine. I love doing this with y’all and I am so happy that you give me the grace I need when I just can’t keep up some weeks.
P.S. my outfit is from Vici Collection. Everything sells out fairly quickly so I’ve linked what is still available below.
shirt – pants (SOLD OUT) – boots