Fall Family Pictures
I explored past posts on my blog the other day and even took a stroll down my “meet Amanda” page. It needed some updating so I decided that there is no better time than now to do so! So much has happened in the last almost two years since I began blogging. We’ve traveled, grown our businesses and welcomed a another little one to our tribe. I’ve grown as a person, mom, wife and friend during that time as well. I cannot believe that just two years ago this was all a dream and not yet formed.
Every single day, I learn something new and I love being able to share it with y’all. I love that there are people that have followed my blog from the beginning and also people that are new and found me via social media or through a friend. Y’all are the reason that I share my lifestyle and I am so thankful that each of you care about my family like you do! Living out in the country has its perks but not living close to my friends and family also leaves an emptiness in my heart. Being able to connect with each of you and share moments from my day brings so much happiness to that space.
I thank God for the growth that I have been given, the sweet people that I get to share it with and all the new things that I learn. I really hope that you find comfort in my blog and it leaves you with a happiness after you read a post. Just knowing that I’m sharing information with someone, anyone, it could be just one person, really makes me happy and makes all of this worth while.
I love y’all and I am glad that you’re here for my journey. Head over to my “meet Amanda” page to see what’s changed and view some of our photos from our recent shoot with Erin Dietrich Photography. I’ll add more later but I’ve included some of my favorites here as well.