5 Easy Steps to a Green Beauty Morning Routine

Alright ya’ll, I’m comin’ at ‘cha hot with my morning look. I don’t share this often, unless you count IG stories. But it’s all for good reason (I hope.) One of the things that I’ve gotten into the habit of since hitting my 30s is a good morning routine. Before I had kids, I’ll just be real… I was lucky to wash my face once every few days. Now, I am loving every minute of my *quick* routine because it really has changed my skin and my health.
The path that led me to a healthier lifestyle started when I was pregnant with Nolan and trying to find a acne skincare routine that was safe. I didn’t realize I even had to worry about what was in my beauty products until my OBGYN said “you cannot use what you’ve been using for acne while you are pregnant.” This made a light bulb go off and I started wondering why it’s safe for me when I am not pregnant. I started buying all things labeled “organic” and “natural” but I quickly learned that companies use those terms to market to people like me and it’s actually connected to “greenwashing” which you can read more about by clicking here.
I am seven years in to a healthier lifestyle and I’ve learned SO much that it has really helped me make better choices for myself (pregnant and not pregnant) and simplify because what mom has a ton of time in the mornings or night to put on a ton of products? I’m here to share my top five must haves for mornings (and sometimes nights when I am feeling lazy.)
- Teeth – I stopped using fluoride toothpaste 7 years ago and it’s been an interesting journey to find a toothpaste that performs well and doesn’t have a weird texture. You can read more about why we don’t use fluoride toothpaste by clicking here. I use a whitening toothpaste that I’ve found locally at Walmart. My two favorites are the Burts Bees or Hello Charcoal. Making sure to brush with an electric toothbrush like this Quip can also help with dental health.
- Deodorant – Finding a non toxic deodorant that actually works is one of the hardest swap outs that I’ve gone through with switching to safer. I cannot begin to calculate the number of deodorants I’ve tried that have not worked, burned my skin or were so sticky I felt like I had glue under my arms. My hands down favorite is from Stink Bug Naturals. It does not leave me smelly, does not burn and best of all, it does not stain my clothes. You can read more about why I love it by clicking here. I’ve also got a great discount code for ya’ll on that post!
- Skincare – Like I mentioned above, I have never taken my skincare seriously until I hit my 30s. Now that my collagen production is basically halted, I am all about having clear skin with the least amount of fine lines and wrinkles as possible. I’ve finally found a regimen that works best for me without retinol which has harmful health issues associated with use. You can read more about this entire line by clicking here. And if I only have a short amount of time in the morning, I make sure to swipe on the Radiance Serum and Eye Cream.
- Jade Roller – lack of sleep has my face all sorts of needy. Sometimes it’s super puffy and when this happens, I look for all the ways I can naturally reduce inflammation. I also need help with those intense dark circles that I swear I’ll have for the rest of my life. I began researching ways to decrease both of these issues and my findings led me to a jade roller. I keep mine in the fridge because when it’s cold it helps with inflammation and dark circles even better. You can read more about the benefits by clicking here. I purchased mine for less than $20 here.
- Brush Hair – don’t laugh. This is the last step of my five step get ready process in the mornings. I have to remind myself to brush my mop of a head before I run out the door. I do not have a sensitive scalp but man, I’ve learned that a hair brush can rip out your hair and give you a major headache. I’ve also found that all hair brushes aren’t made with great materials. I finally found a great brand that has natural ingredients and doesn’t rip out my hair. It’s like a better version of a “wet brush.” I use it on my hair and the rest of my crew and I’ve had no complaints. You can shop it by clicking here.
That’s it ya’ll! 5 steps and I am ready to head out the door. I love having a simple routine in the mornings because it keeps me from being stressed out. What is your morning routine like? I would love to share more ideas and hear what works for you. If you decide to try any of the products that I’ve mentioned, please tag me! I would love to see!