3rd Trimester Must Haves

This pregnancy has FLOWN by. I cannot believe I am at the end and it makes me so sad. The third trimester can be difficult but I’m here to share a few things that have helped me navigate and make it easier.
- Pregnancy Pillow – I resisted buying one this go around but ya’ll… it’s a game changer. I can comfortably sleep again, thank you Jesus. This one is super soft but also doesn’t break the bank. It was less than $40. TOTALLY WORTH IT!
- Charcoal Facial Mask – Ohhhh ya’ll, the struggle with hormonal acne is real. I depend on this mask 2-3 times a week to save my skin. It’s even wonderful to use as an overnight spot treatment. You can read more about this mask by clicking here. You can actually get it for free right now by joining as a Beautycounter Band of Beauty member.
- Non Toxic Panty Liners – I’ll spare you all the details but pregnancy makes you have extra discharge. Especially at the end. I use a non toxic brand of panty liners that I found at Grove. You can click this link and you’ll get $10 off your first purchase.
- Pineapple, Dates and Red Raspberry Leaf Tea – all of these items help during the end of pregnancy. Pineapple contains the enzyme bromeliad which helps soften your cervix. Eating 6 dates a day during your third trimester helps increase your cervical ripening, reduces the need for a medical labor induction or augmentation and also helps with postpartum blood loss. Red raspberry leaf tea helps strengthen the uterine walls and decrease labor time in pregnant women and relieve premenstrual symptoms. I love all three of these items during my third trimester and they really have helped me in all the ways I listed above.
- Maternity Underwear – I held out of buying new undies for as long as possible but when I finally did I bought these again. They are under the bump and SO comfortable. I wore them when I was pregnant with Mercy and they’ve spoiled me. These undies come in different colors and quantity packs so you can pick what best suits your style. I size up from my normal size and they fit perfectly.
I’ve also gotten a lot of questions about maternity in general so I included them below! I hope ya’ll enjoy 🙂
How far along are you? 38 weeks and 5 days
Due Date? October 25th
Gender: Derrek and I know the gender but we are not sharing until after baby is born.
Total weight gain/loss: I’ve gained 25 pounds but it really does feel like more.
Exercise: I was going to the gym 4-5 times a week but I’ve since stopped because I had a panic attack during a workout and it really scared me. I now walk a mile or two every day in my neighborhood.
Stretch marks: I haven’t noticed any so far but I do have some from when I gained a lot of weight in college. I use the Beautycounter baby protective balm and baby oil to help prevent.
Swelling: No! Thank goodness! I have never had an issue with swelling during my pregnancies.
Maternity clothes: I love my body con dresses (click here for my favorite brand) but I just pulled out my black maternity leggings and I could wear them every day.
Belly button: I officially have an outie…. omgggg it looks so weird hahaha!
Sleep: I feel like this is a trick question, haha! I sleep but I get up to pee about 5 times at night so it doesn’t feel like I’m getting into a deep sleep.
Food cravings: I have actually lost my appetite and I don’t eat big meals anymore. I love pineapple, apples, chicken sausage and egg salad.
Symptoms: I get these bursts of energy where I just want to do all the things then I am outrageously tired. I am also dealing with headaches but I always have them during my pregnancies during the first and last trimesters.
Movement: TONS of movement happening in my belly. Baby is head down so I feel lots of kicks in my ribs. I also feel a lot of low back pressure, so that’s scary.
What I miss: being able to lay on my stomach and wear certain clothes.
What I’m loving: Spending time nesting and organizing, snuggling with my other littles and just soaking in this last little bit of time.
What I’m looking forward too: holding my sweet little babe and feeling all the good feels right after birth. Also, introducing the baby to the other kids.