What’s in the lubricating strip in razors?

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Have you ever wondered what the lubricating strip is on the razors you use?
I remember when I was younger, I would always pull them off the razor after they got soggy in the shower because I thought it was gross 😂
I had no idea what really goes down in the chemical makeup of razors but now that I do, it’s something I feel strongly about sharing.
Are the lubricating strips on razors toxic?
Most razors have lubricating strips to help the shave not be as abrasive on the skin. These are made up of a plastic matrix with a lubricating chemical makeup. The strips house tons of ingredients that aren’t necessarily good for us and I’m sharing just a few…
Before we get into the ingredient break down, is it really that big of a deal?
Let’s say someone is shaving their armpits. The moisture strip makes direct contact with the delicate tissue under the arms, where a high concentration of lymph nodes reside. The chemicals in moisture strips then make their way into our lymphatic system, as well as the tiny capillaries and veins (even more so if a cut is made).

So, what’s my favorite brand? of razors? I found a really great brand that’s nontoxic with great ingredients and so much more.
I’ve tried many different nontoxic razors including straight razors and I keep coming back to the Preserve brand. Preserve is great because they are eco-friendly, the handle is made from recycled materials. It’s also my favorite because the lubricating strip is made with cocoa butter and aloe, 90% of the product is made in the USA, and the handle is recyclable.
A few tips for nontoxic shaving routine:
use a razor with nontoxic lubricant strip
choose sustainable eco-friendly products
use the Beautycounter charcoal bar for shaving
moisturize with the Beautycounter countermatch lotion
I grab my razors and razor refills through Grove when I’m shopping for other non-toxic products for my home. You can even add them on auto replenish so they’re automatically added to your order every couple of months so you don’t run out! Never used Grove before? Use my link to shop and get a free gift when you sign up!