‘Tis the Season
Does any other mama feel stretched out this time of year? I don’t know if it’s the age of my children, all of the things on my plate or just the holiday season but I feel like I can’t keep up. Being a perfectionist and having OCD during this stage of life is actually quite comical. My kids have really done a number on me and keep me on my toes. I have learned SO much about myself during this and the most important thing is presence over perfection. My children need me now, more than ever. Although, I have goals for myself, I realize that my children are so much more important than keeping a work schedule or getting dressed with a full face of makeup. What’s more important is me spending time with them and making memories. Work can wait, the house can be messy, I don’t have to look presentable to them… they don’t care as long as I am with them and happy!
Mama’s if any of you are feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders, know that you’re not alone and just focus on what’s most important. Life is so short and everything changes in the blink of an eye. You don’t want to wake up one day and wish for the days back. Give yourself some grace, make a pot of coffee and ENJOY the greatness around you.