• Fashion,  Fitness

    My Favorite Sports Bra Ever + Matching Leggings

    Disclaimer: I do use affiliate links on here meaning that if you purchase anything through my affiliate links I receive commission at no additional cost to you! My views and opinions are never swayed because of this! I only recommend products and services I love! I never in my life expected that I would actually wear workout clothing to work out but here I am…. I am also a mom of five and it was after my fifth baby that I really fell in love with a particular workout. Up until this point, I’ve bounced around at different gyms, trying different routines but it wasn’t until I started my yoga…

  • Fitness,  Health

    How Yoga Helped Me

    Never in my life would I have expected to like yoga as much as I do. Let me take that back… LOVE yoga as much as I do! Y’all, it has changed my life in four short months and I know it could do the same for you. I’ll back up and explain more of my story with this. In December of 2019, I felt that I wanted to start exercising again. I was four months postpartum and wanting to get back into a routine BUT I didn’t want to go back to hardcore workouts because I was scared. I’ve had five babies and my core strength is at it’s…