My Top Nontoxic Baby + Kid Products

My children’s favorite time of the day is BATHTIME! At any mention of the word bath, they are smiling and laughing with each other, trying to strip off their clothes and jump in the tub! They play together and splash around, I normally always oblige and clean up the water that travels out of the tub and let them play until they are nice and pruney! We don’t have a set schedule for their baths; it just happens organically every day sometimes multiple times a day at that. Whenever their bath time occurs, I know I’m in for lots of bubbles and lots of giggles! Bath time isn’t only fun for them, it’s also a great way to get a little mom break while you watch them play. With five kids, can you imagine how many baths I have given?! I find it to be such a good reminder to make time to slow down and spend some quality time with my kids, they are only little once so I am soaking it all in. While we’re on the subjects of baths, let me share a story.
When I started switching to safer products a few years back, one of the first things I wanted to do was make sure I found products for my children. I was under the impression that anything labeled “organic” or “all natural” was best for babe but honestly its not. Most companies green wash their products – you can read more about that here. Which can cause a multitude of health issues.
We’ve got a broken chemical system here in the U.S. The last major law that was put in place to protect us as consumers from what is in our personal care products was over 80 years ago! That law put two pages into legislation that also grandfathered over 80,000 tested chemicals to be allowed in products. That means that companies can basically grab our attention with anything, example being children’s favorite character shaped brands, saying things like “natural,” “sensitive skin” and “no tear!” without any of that being true. We are marketed to via our kid’s favorite characters in the store because that would make them happy and want to use them and as parents those little catch phrases make us feel safe.
I say this daily and only because it’s the best piece of advice I could ever give anyone. Research everything for yourself. I always tell my clients, friends and family to use the Skin Deep website on www.ewg.org and download the Healthy Living app on their phones, plug in your products or products that you’re looking at and see for yourself what’s in them and what their ingredients are linked too.
We trust and love the following brands and their bath products
Tubby Tudd – ointment, hair detangler, hair + body wash
Hello Bello – baby wash, diaper cream
Honest – baby wash, bubble bath
Everyone Products – kid’s wash, kid’s lotion
Whatever brand you choose, know that you are making a switch to a healthier choice for your littles! I want you to be confident in knowing that these products and brands are trusted in our home and I would love to help guide you in a direction that’s safer for your family! No matter where you are on your journey to safer products, I am here to help!