Ideas for Getting Outdoors

As a family, we have decided to get outside as much as possible since we are under a quarantine. This is not only good for your health but your kids and you need to get out of the house and stretch, breathe and enjoy the outdoors. Anyone that’s feeling super bored, stressed, tired, anxious, etc, etc… GO OUTSIDE! It will change your entire day if you allow it.
We recently went on a family hike at Lynches River… we had an absolute blast exploring and the kids were worn out by the time we got home! I hope you enjoy the photos, I can’t believe how big they’re all getting! It’s a fun place to take the family if you live around here! As far as staying busy at home, though… here are some other things you can do!
Since we are quarantined with 5 kids ranging from 7 years – 5 months, everyone is asking what on Earth we are doing here to stay sane. Well, I can tell you that it’s not perfect but we do make getting outside a top priority. For us, we are a larger family so we take advantage of our back yard alot! We have a play set that the kids love with a baby seat and also a slice swing from Swurfer.

This could take up their entire time outside but we’ve stepped it up with a blow up pool and a fun water mat. I also love breaking out the chalk and bubbles for them to create with and I join in on the fun.
We’ve also been taking LOTS of walks together as a family. We’ve been loading the baby up in the stroller and setting out with a good playlist playing on our iPhones. Our goal is always to tire out the big kids so we can all get a good night’s sleep! Once we get back from a walk, we usually like to let the kids play with sidewalk or ride their bikes for a while. It’s exhausting to wrangle that many kids in the moment but it’s worth it come bedtime when they’re all exhausted and we all get a good night’s rest!
I know this may not be an option for everyone during these trying times, but there are a ton of good sales on bicycles right now! If you’re able to, go get a bike and get some fresh air with the kids. My kids think it’s so much fun when I get out and ride with them because it’s not something I normally do! If you want to get really crazy, some roller blades are another fun option!
We’ve also been working on our raised bed vegetable garden the past few weeks. You may remember this post from last spring but I wanted to mention it again because it’s really so much fun to grow your own food! We planted some seeds a few weeks ago when it first got warm and we are just waiting for the first veggies of the season. It’s something the kids love to look forward to and if you’re on a tight budget, there’s no more cost effective way to get some organic fruits and veggies into your diet!
Before I forget, I wanted to share two products we’ve been loving and have gotten a lot of attention on my insta stories:

This splash pad is AMAZING, y’all! You better believe we’ve been using it nonstop now that the weather is nice! It’s great for babies and even our 7 year old still loves to play on it with his sisters! Grab one today!

These are Harper’s skates and she is obsessed with them! They light up and she learned to skate in them with ease. They’re also adjustable to a range of sizes so your child will be able to use them for several years! They also have them in boy’s colors…SO cute!!!!
I would love to see what you guys are doing to stay busy during our quarantine because we are always looking for new ways to entertain all these kids! We’ve been posting a lot on our instastories so make sure you follow us there to see what we’re up to!
Amanda @littlesouthernwife
Derrek @drderrekdwayne