Holiday Family Photoshoot
How in the world did this year fly by so quickly? As the last month of the year is slowly sneaking by us, I cannot help but to think I wish that time would slow down. I was going to send out Christmas cards to our friends and family but sadly I’ve waited to long to put so much focus on them. I’ve just printed off some of our holiday pictures with Savvy Alli for our sweet family and sent everyone else a few in their emails. Ahhhhh, what a Martha Stewart mom I am, huh? haha. I am in complete denial about Christmas being a couple of weeks away and I have yet to wrap one present – for now they all hide in a locked closet far, far away from little toddler hands.
Since this month has started I have really focused on my family more and have put more effort into spending quality time with my kids and hubby and extended family as well. I am so excited that after the busy year we have had, we get a few weeks of rest (well sort of) before the craziness starts in the new year. I cannot wait to share with ya’ll all of the exciting things we have coming up in 2016.
For now, I leave ya’ll with some of our photoshoot with the talented, Allison, the lady behind Savvy Alli photography and I’ve linked all of our outfits! I hope ya’ll are learning, like me, to take it easier on yourself during the holidays and enjoy whats most important – family.
Amanda’s shirt | scarf | jeans | booties | bangles
Derrek’s sweater | shirt | jeans | boots
Nolan’s sweater | flannel | jeans | shoes
Harper’s dress | tights | boots