Healthy Halloween Snacks with Replay Recycled
I received these products in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. Read my disclaimer page for more information. I have always been a Halloween junkie and now that I have children, they have become obsessed as well. We make the rounds at fall festivals, pumpkin patches and watching the Great Pumpkin on TV but we all know that trick-or-treating on Halloween is what children are most excited about! Nolan and Harper picked out their own costumes this year (you can see them here) and run around the house saying “trick-or-treat, smell my feet” which makes me giggle but also let’s me know that I need to educate them on the candy situation. As a real-foodie, I cringe when I see the loads of Halloween candy everywhere this time of year. It’s easy for many people to think, “lighten up, it’s just once a year”. But, I just don’t get existed about the kids scarfing down tons of GMOs, artificial food coloring and other chemicals, even if it is just one day a year. These days kids are bombarded with sugar at almost any celebration. I had a serious talk with Nolan’s teacher after he was sent home several days in a row with candy. I don’t have an issue with every now and then getting a sweet treat but tons of it really pushes a button for me. After our conversation, he wasn’t “rewarded” with processed foods but instead stickers, temporary tattoos and spider rings. On Halloween night, we will allow them to eat a few pieces of candy from their Halloween trick-or-treating and discard the rest. Halloween night is more of an experience verses ingesting tons of candy that will give them tummy aches and sugar highs a few minutes after consumption.
Food is still really important to my entire family and I work really hard at focusing on teaching the kids just how important eating good foods are for their body. It makes me so happy when they take interest in what I talk to them about. This makes me get creative in my lessons so they will actually pay attention to what I’m saying. This year, I have focused on crafting and cooking with them after noticing that they really enjoy doing both! Halloween crafts and snacks are something that we have made every day during the month of October and I wanted to share a few of our themed snacks with y’all!
I found the company Replay Recycled a few years ago on instagram. At this point, the kids have a vast variety of Replay Recycled products, and if you’ve been reading the blog for any time at all, you know I’m a huge fan of the company! It seemed only fitting that they get the Halloween set to use during the holiday season. What I love about these is that after Halloween, you can split them up and still use all of them without looking like you don’t know the holiday has passed! We switch up the colors now and mix and match cups to lids and forks and spoons to the plates. I really love this company because they use recycled milk jugs to make their products! Recycling one milk jug will save enough energy to keep a 100-watt light bulb burning for 11 hours! The cups are amazing because they are no spill. We took them to the beach all summer and never once did they get filled with sand! The kids can safely sit with these in their carseats without me having to worry about someone spilling their drink all over themselves! They go with us EVERYWHERE! The snack pods travel so easily; they can be stacked together or used separately, but either way we fill them with snacks for the kids and they love carrying them around.
I asked Nolan what his favorite snacks were that we made this season and I’ve included them below. Check them out and see for yourself how easy to make and yummy they are!
1. Cut celery sticks into 3-4 inch “logs”
2. Spoon your favorite nut butter (I used Justin’s almond butter) into celery log
3. top with spider rings!
1. Take an apple and cut it into slices or use an apple cutter, safe yourself the trouble and they come out as perfect slices!
2. Mix Greek yogurt and chocolate protein powder (I used just enough to make it brown)
3. Add a little of the mixture between two apple slices to serve as “glue”
4. Place a sliced strawberry in between them as the monsters tongue
5. Add four yogurt covered rasins as the teeth