Fresh Juice
I’ll be the first one to say that I love juicing, eating lots of fresh seasonal foods and taking care of my body, but that doesn’t mean I’m going on a juice-only diet. From where I stand, I would rather incorporate juicing into a seasonal-based, clean diet because this is what makes me feel my best. So, let’s talk juicing.
Drinking fresh vegetable juice allows you to consume more fresh vegetables, which we all know are full of good things like vitamins, minerals, and beneficial enzymes. Fresh vegetable juice is very alkalizing, meaning that it helps to strengthen the body and keep it healthy. I’ve also found personally that it helps to reprogram my taste buds and make me crave healthier foods, which I consider a win-win. And, since the juicer extracts the insoluble fiber from fruits and veggies, fresh juice is very easy on the digestive track (making it perfect for anyone with digestive issues). This also makes the nutrients easy to absorb.
Below are some of my favorite juicing recipes (you can find more here)! I hope you try them and see for yourself how much better you feel after doing so.
Carrot Apple Ginger
2 carrots
2 apples
2 tbsp ginger
Orange Carrot Pineapple
1 orange
2 carrots
1/2 pineapple
Kale Cucumber Apple
6 kale stalks
2 cucumbers
1 Apple
Kale Cucumber Pineapple
1 handful kale
1 cucumber
1/2 pineapple
Carrot Orange Apple Ginger
2 carrots
2 oranges
1 green apple
1 tbsp ginger