First Bump Date with Baby #5
Well hello there, we meet again! I’m just sharing about what’s been going on so far with baby number five. It sounds so crazy to say that but our wild bunch is the perfect combo of personalities so I’ll take it 🙂
Derrek and I have always wanted a big fairly. We’ve also always known we wanted our babies close in age and so now we will have a 7, 5, 3, 1 year old and newborn. This will complete our tribe. Unless one day God has other plans for us. But, we’re pretty sure this is it.
I am officially 17 weeks and to be honest, I was going to keep it a secret until I went to have the anatomy scan around 20-22 weeks. The reason why the cat was let out of the bag earlier is because Derrek cannot keep a secret. Hahahaha! We knew almost immediately and he’s been telling people left and right since. I’m so happy that he is so excited and PROUD. He gets so pumped up every time we talk about the new baby, it’s so heart warming to see.
I haven’t felt “different” during this pregnancy other than being very tired. In my past pregnancies, I’ve had headaches during the first and third trimesters and and felt a little queasy when I was pregnant with girls. THANKFULLY, I have not felt that way this time. I mean, ya’ll… it’s amazing! I don’t want to jinx anything but to say I am thankful is an understatement.
To answer a question that I’ve gotten a lot, we do not have a name picked out. It takes us a long time to figure out and agree on a name since we want them to be less common names. I don’t like even thinking about names until we find out if we are having a boy or a girl just for excitement reasons. We also do not share what the name is until the baby is born, that’s just something special to us that we’ve done with each of our children.
Annddddd now for all my cravings. MAN oh MAN do I have them. They are so weird. Like all the salt in the world weird, hahaha. I do not like anything sweet, especially desserts. I want all the popcorn, toast with vegan butter and avocado, turkey bacon, chicken and quinoa with hot sauce, pickles and greek salad. I am normally a big desserts girl and I haven’t wanted much of anything so far. I wonder if that will change, I always get a giggle out of what foods I like one week to the next. I once went an entire year without eating Mexican, just because I wasn’t ever at a place I was “feeling it.”
I feel like that’s all the updates I have for ya’ll at this point. If I didn’t answer anything, please let me know! I would love to be more helpful. I do want to share that I started my blog right after I had Harper and so it’s filled with almost three babies worth of pregnancy, newborn and baby stuff. Check out the “Search” feature and see if anything is there that you want to know about. If not, I am an open book!