Crunchy Mom Baby Registry

When you’re pregnant, it’s a bit overwhelming to make a baby registry, especially with all the ever-changing options out there. I’ve had five babies and now that I’m pregnant with our sixth, I knew exactly what I wanted for this sweet little soul in my belly.
This is going to be short and sweet because baby registries should all be both of those. I’ve learned that with babies come lots of “things” and less is more. You really do not need all the things you think you do. They just take up lots of space, remain unused and you could have spent that money on things you’ll actually use like diapers. All the diapers!
When I was pregnant with Nolan, I remember going to Target with the scanner and just scanning so much junk. Junk that my friends and family paid for and literally sat in piles at my house unused after the baby came. Y’all, please don’t fall into that trap. It will make you feel bad that your loved ones spent so much on those unused items and you will feel so clustered in your home.

Left photo // Right photo // Balm for All // Colored Organics Newborn Gowns

The saying “less is more” fits so many different aspects of life as a parent and I’m here to share my basic necessities that I prepping before baby #6 joins us. I’ve gotten this down to a smaller list because I’ve learned that there is so much that I can do without and I have tons of hand-me-downs from my other kids, but there are several things that are must haves in the world of new baby.
Less is more and honestly when you have lots of clutter, especially postpartum, it seems to weigh on you a lot more than regular times.
if you’re needing to get all the things here’s an extensive list of what I find helpful. I’ve also seen that as my children increase, the things that I put on my list decrease. When using better brands the quality is so much better that I can use them time and time again. There are a few things that I did not list on here but I do feel like will be great gifts if you are thinking of asking your friends and family or something and if you’re reading this and you’re wanting to give something special with someone else would be great. Food gift certificates to their favorite places, paying for a weekly cleaning at their house, or even babysitting time with their babysitter would be super helpful.
Really hope this extensive guide is helpful in creating your own crunchy baby registry or shopping for a friend if you’re not pregnant.
Really hope this extensive guide is helpful in creating your own crunchy baby registry or shopping for a friend if you’re not pregnant.
Let me know if you have any baby questions, I would love to help!