Benefits of Working Out While Pregnant

There is no doubt that exercise is beneficial. Exercising during your pregnancy comes with particular benefits and during my pregnancies I find that if I move my body I most certainly feel better. In addition to that feeling, exercising during pregnancy can help with major health issues like diabetes, heart issues, depression and joint pain.
Check out five reasons why if you’re pregnant, you might want to consider working out.
- Increased circulation – when a woman is pregnant, Her blood volume increases by almost 50% and exercise improves circulation and cardiovascular health.
- Joint and muscle functioning better – relaxin is a chemical that your body naturally releases during pregnancy to help your joints and muscles become more flexible in preparation for childbirth. Understanding that just because you are more flexible you shouldn’t over do it is important. Exercise helps improve your physical balance and strength and decrease your chances of suffering from an injury.
- Improves Efficiency of Bodily Systems -Pregnancy puts a strain on all of the body and it’s bodily functions. Exercise helps to regulate the stress that’s put on those bodily functions and help release hormones that intern make you feel better in general.
- Improves Your Mood, Focus, and Sleep – Exercise releases endorphins which naturally improve your mood, focus, and sleep. We all remember that famous line from legally blonde where she talks about how happy someone is that works out on a regular basis. This is exactly what happens when you work out during your pregnancy.
- Improves Recovery Time – Not only will regular exercise help with your birth, it helps after. The fourth trimester is often looked over and after you’ve run the marathon that gives you your baby Earthside, you don’t need to forget about what happens to you afterwards. Consistent exercise helps to improve circulation, this helps speed tissue healing after delivery helping you recover faster.

In addition to regular exercise, I make sure to meditate during my pregnancies.
How has meditation helped me during this pregnancy?
I’ve made a conscious effort to practice mindfulness and meditation during this season of my life and it’s made such a positive impact.
As someone who has suffered from anxiety and depression, I never thought this would be possible but focusing on it actually helps manage them.
Here are just a few ways meditation has helped me so far:
- Reduce stress by learning how to cultivate attention and awareness, particularly in relation to aspects of my pregnancy: the feeling of my belly, the aches and pains, and any anxieties.
- Boost positive feelings by noticing the way moods and bodily sensations fluctuate throughout the day. For example, pregnant women might expect pregnancy to be exhausting and painful, so they pay less attention to the happy and peaceful moments.
- Get better sleep at night. Regular meditation reduces insomnia, which can be a common complaint during pregnancy. Pregnant women who meditate experience more restful sleep than those who do not.
- Lower my heart rate and blood pressure. The deep breathing of meditation lowers heart rates and regulates blood pressure. This is essential for mom and baby to remain healthy throughout pregnancy.

Pregnancy comes with a huge range of emotional ups and downs. You can feel happy, sad, anxious and elated – all in the span of an hour. The physical changes your body is experiencing and the life changes that come about with welcoming a new baby into your family – all this can make you feel worried and stressed, even though there’s so many positives too.
Meditation during pregnancy can bring you to a centred space that allows you to step back from the emotional rollercoaster. Try meditation and also consist exercise during your pregnancy and see how it can positively impact your life as well!