Babywearing is for Everyone
Derrek’s wrap | Kid’s mini wraps
This week happens to be International Babywearing Week so it seems like the perfect time to share about how and why we babywear! There are many reasons why we choose to babywear (and why you should too) and I’ll get into those in just a minute. Let me start by telling y’all about my favorite wraps from Burrow Baby. Their wraps and swaddles are made with organic bamboo making them oh so soft for you and baby! I absolutely love this material and in addition to being ultra soft, it’s breathable making it easy to use during the heat of summer. I also love how the different colors allow you to coordinate to your outfit while Babywearing and allowing you to express your style while meeting your baby’s needs!
During the newborn phase, there is nothing better than putting on a wrap and feeling your little squish pressed against you like they are still in the womb. Derrek and myself have started Babywearing more and more after each baby we add to the family. I started wearing Scarlet Reese the day after she was born and I wear her pretty much every day to accomplish housework, business, cooking and playing with the kids. Babywearing helps bring you closer to your little one, physically and emotionally, while simultaneously giving you the freedom and comfort to take on daily life.
Now that Nolan and Harper are older, they are very interested in being just like Mommy and Daddy. They see us wearing Scarlet Reese and immediately head for the cabinet with their wraps and ask for me to help them wear their favorite dolls and stuffed animals. I think that the kids are outrageously cute when they are wearing them and they feel like they are included in what we are doing! I was so excited to find these carriers from Burrow Baby to coordinate with the one that we use when we wear Scarlet Reese.
I keep mine in my diaper bag so it’s always close by in case I need to throw it on. It’s amazing how quickly it can calm a baby down when you get them snuggled in a wrap! I always make sure that the baby is fed, has a clean diaper and a paci near by before she is put into the wrap. Within minutes of being worn, Scarlet Reese is out like a light.
Oh, another really important thing to remember is to fan those shoulder straps out! When wearing for an extended time, it makes it so much more comfortable to distribute the weight by spreading the shoulder straps out wider.