Adult Vitamins 101

I don’t know how y’all feel but in our household, adulting is hard! We have so many things to focus on and accomplish every single day, it’s easy to put our health last. Unfortunately, when you do that, you tend to get sickly and with four kids running around that is just not an option for my husband and myself. A lot of the nutrients that your body needs can be found in the form of foods and I strongly urge you to take care of yourself with a well rounded diet. I also know how much of a focus that can be so, I’m sharing our favorite vitamins to get those nutrients.
Not gonna lie, Derrek and I both partake in eating the kids vitamins when it’s time to give them out before bed. Some of theirs taste so good that it’s hard to pass up! I’ve always been told to double the dosage if you do take a kids version of a vitamin and so far so good over here. I will also share that on top of a daily vitamin routine, we try to eat really well with good herbs and vegetables that have a lot of nutritional benefits and get chiropractic adjustments 2-3 times a week.
I try to make our daily vitamin useage not complicated because let’s get real, a man taking a ton of vitamins just isn’t gonna happen. I have to beg Derrek to take his, so the easier the better. A lot of what we use are found locally at the Healthy Food Store but you can also buy them online – Amazon for the win!
Probiotics – this is something that everyone in the family should take. Probiotics are specifically intended to help get your insides healthy. Probiotics are the “good bacteria” that is needed to keep a healthy digestive system and our all immune support. Our children take a daily version that you can find by clicking here. I take this one and then Derrek takes this one.
Vitamin C – a good vitamin C vitamin can help with a multitude of things. This vitamin is necessary for growth, development and repair of all your body’s tissues. It can form collagen, help you absorb iron, strengthen your immune system, and help keep your cartilage, bones and teeth. I have purchased a separate one for the adults then the kids but to be honest, we have found it best to keep it simple and all use one. Here is the one that we all use and love.
Fish Oil – This is one of those, I hate it but I’ve gotta have it type vitamins. When finding a good fish oil, ya’ll we have tried so many… it’s DISGUSTING! But, I found a brand that hides the taste so well that it seems like candy. A good omega-3 can help with your normal balance of brain and eye development. It also helps fight inflammation and heart disease. Fish oil is beneficial in so many ways that it’s hard to only name a few. It also keeps your brain in tip top function as you grow and age. Fish oil contains a large amount of omega-3s and that’s why we take it every single day. I love this brand that I found locally but you can also buy on Amazon p.s. it’s the only one that our kids will willingly take!
B12 – I originally started taking B12 as a way to get some energy. Mom life is hard, especially when little babies keep you from sleeping. So off I went to find something that would help me get pumped up and I could take while breastfeeding. I take B12 every single day now, even when my energy is high because of the health benefits. B12 is actually a nutrient that helps keep your body’s nerve and blood cells healthy. It also helps to create your DNA, isn’t that cool? Derrek jumped on the B12 bandwagon with me shortly after I started taking it so he could get extra energy too! I buy this brand off of Amazon. Alright ya’ll!
That’s it for our daily vitamin round up. I have found that keeping it simple helps me actually take my vitamins and I know I can speak for Derrek as well! I would love to know more of what you take in your daily vitamin round up and also how you feel about the ones that I shared.