This is how I do: Beautycounter Socials

Beautycounter is a skincare and beauty company founded by a woman named Gregg Renfrew. She started the brand after realizing that so many personal care products are not as regulated as many people think — in fact, many products contain ingredients linked to cancer, reproductive issues, and hormone disruption, all without ever informing consumers. Unlike the FDA, Beautycounter has banned more than 1,500 unsafe ingredients (many of which are banned by the European Union), creating one of the highest standards in the beauty industry.
Beautycounter also rigorously screens all of their ingredients, working with scientists and industry leaders to reduce the exposure to toxic chemicals and develop safer alternatives. They also choose ingredients that are over 80 percent organic, natural, or plant-derived, and that are sourced responsibly. Oh, and they don’t test on animals. And just in case you needed one more reason to trust the products, they don’t hide anything nasty under the guise of “fragrance,” “flavors,” or “preservatives” either.
Gregg decided to offer the products for sale in multiple sales channels, through a network of independent consultants, their e-commerce platform, and through small strategic partnerships like J. Crew and Goop. Gregg says, “Our story is best told person to person.” And by utilizing a direct sales model with consultants, her strategy is to mobilize women around the country to create a movement for better beauty and to effect change all the way to Washington.
One of my favorite things about working for Beautycounter is that it has helped me get outside of my comfort zone. When I first started this business, I was a stay at home mom of two kids (20 months apart), living on a single income thanks to my husband and really secluded from friends and family. We had moved to my husband’s hometown when I was pregnant with my first and not only were we distance wise really far away from my friends, a lot of them had not yet had babies yet. I was asked over and over and over to join as a consultant and I continued to turn down the opportunity for all the wrong reasons. When I finally joined, I tried really hard to stay in my home bubble and not venture too far away.
What I learned through all of that is that I was really lonely and I couldn’t grow by staying in my comfort zone. I had to stop making excuses about meeting someone at the park for a playdate or taking a friend to coffee and hosting a Beautycounter social. What is a “social” exactly? It’s the most fun girls day/night I could think of! It is so much more than a party – it’s an opportunity… a perfect mix of education, shopping and snacks and drinks with your girlfriends! See, I told ya, all of the best things!
So what does it take to host one and what are the perks of hosting? Well, you really don’t have to do to much! Depending on the time of day, we can be in cozy pjs or a cute little dress to feel a little fancy away from the kids. I honestly feel like less is more when it comes to socials and it’s not as overwhelming! I would suggest getting a snack or two out (think a dip and veggie tray,) something to sip on, a handful of friends (notice I didn’t say 20+ people) and yourself! I’ve found that socials work best when the hostess is very involved with the guests she is inviting beforehand. What you wouldn’t want to do is send out a Facebook event invite and that’s it. Communication is key when it comes to hosting a social and the more you can chat with your guests before the party, the better!
It’s ok if you have guests that RSVP “no” to your social, things happen and that’s where we can step in and help them have the best experience outside of coming to your in person social. We can send them your online social link and also a little goodie bag of products to try for a few days to see if they love them (which they will)! I like to offer this for every social because there are always some people that cannot make it but really want to try a few things before they order.
Alright, let’s talk about the fun stuff. How does hosting a Beautycounter social allow you to get free and half off Beautycounter? Depending on the sales from your social, you will receive a certain number of hostess rewards. The rewards are up to five free and five half off items. HOW COOL IS THAT? In addition, you’ll get a certain amount of half off items and those do include the new Countertime skincare products!
Do you still have questions? That’s 100% ok! I would love to answer them for you. I have limited spots available every month for a social so please message me and let’s reserve yours now!