What I’m Loving Now: Nursing Friendly Dresses + Must Have Baby Items
Another week of this pregnancy has come and gone ya’ll! Derrek and I had a conversation about not being able to believe how quickly this time has passed. It feels like I just found out I was pregnant and I cannot believe that I’m actually 37 weeks. Other than feeling all of that 37 weeks and walking with a waddle, my brain can’t wrap itself around the fact that the end is here. We traveled to Charleston yesterday to get cleared for the homebirth so since that appointment, I’ve been nesting. I have cleaners coming to deep clean the house this week, I ordered several baby items off of Amazon, I’m selling maternity clothing that no longer fits and I’m pulling out all the newborn clothing that Harper and Scarlet Reese wore (we are 98% sure it’s a girl). I’m also about to make a trip to Costco to stock my fridge and make easy meals that I can grab when I’m starving… aka 24/7.
I am no longer buying any clothes except for things that I can wear now and post partum. This dress is a must have for both times. I LOVE that it’s high low and the fact that I can breast feed in it. Pretty much everything I wear from this month out has to be nursing friendly. I have nursed my babies until they were 2ish (except Scarlet Reese) so I know the importance of v necks and tanks to wear under shirts. This dress is so beautiful with the flower pattern, comfortable and v neck so I can easily nurse the baby when she is here. I have shared how much I love the Isabel Maternity brand from Target and this is a perfect example of why. If you need to find items that will work during pregnancy and after, I highly suggest checking out this brand because most of their pieces do exactly that.
Ya’ll also asked me to share a few of the baby items that I am stocking and I want to be honest because I haven’t bought anything until last night! ha. I was in denial about being at the end of this pregnancy until my appointment yesterday and it’s all hit me like a ton of bricks. I’ve gotten pretty much everything off of Amazon except for my diaper bag and a baby swing which I purchased from a close friend. Amazon is LIFE ya’ll! I’m a big fan of keeping it simple so I do not agree with registering for baby with my fourth. Here’s my simple “must have” list:
Colored Organics Bodysuits
Natursutten Pacifer
Seventh Generation Diapers
Seventh Generation Baby Wipes
Little Unicorn Swaddle Blankets