A Few of My Favorite Things
This post is in partner with Isabella Oliver Maternity. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Please read my disclaimer page for more information.
vest | shirt | jeans | necklace | shoes – SOLD OUT | lipstick – BRUNCH
Happy Monday sweet friends! I am currently knee deep in mommy hood with the girls but I just want to share a little of what’s going on in my life right now. Since we’ve moved, it’s been difficult for me… as a work from home mom, when I am actually able to work is when I have a babysitter. BUT, that hasn’t been the case in our new town. I haven’t been able to find one so my work has taken a back burner. It stinks but I know that it’s either that or be irritated with my kids all the time and I’m just not going to do that. They are only little once and I soak them in as much as possible. Even though, my biggest accomplishment at the moment means changing my clothes and brushing my teeth, I wouldn’t change it for the world. Scarlet Reese is giving the family a run for their money and I bare the brunt of that. She is such a sass pot but I’ve just learned to laugh. Laugh at all the craziness. This is my circus and I am blessed to have them.
Now, let’s get to the good stuff! I am enjoying life at the moment even though work isn’t at the center of that. I’m 30 weeks into my last pregnancy and finally feeling energy! One thing that I have made sure to do for myself is work out 4-5 times a week. I’m not “crushing it” at the gym like my husband who focuses on lifting heavy weights BUT I’m loving what I am doing. I attend fitness classes that focus on weights, yoga and kettle bells and it’s so much fun. There are two different instructors that are amazing and make me WORK but keep me and the baby safe. I love feeling the results. I’ve never exercised like this in my life and especially not pregnant so it really means a lot to me.
Now that we don’t live in the boonies, I am so proud to say that we have HIGH SPEED INTERNET YA’LL! It might seem silly but this change has been fun. We don’t watch a lot of tv but being able to use Netflix has been interesting. Derrek and I are tv show junkies and have enjoyed watching all of Orange is the New Black, Santa Clarita Diet, Scandal, and we’re now working on Shameless. We have a random assortment of tv genres we love but it works for us. Laughing together at the end of a long day is the best medicine!
I am also loving the convenience of having my groceries shopped and put in my car every week. Um… yassss! The only way it could get any better is if someone put it all away once I got home and also cooked. HA. I normally go during the weekend or if I can wait til Monday I do, get it a picked up. I have started shopping at the local Walmart to use this feature. Costco is also a once a month trip and I stock up on the rest of my food goodies there. Not having to spend hours at the grocery store with all the kids has changed my life. I am not even bring dramatic ya’ll, mom life is sometimes a struggle. Especially when you’re in the middle of grocery shopping chasing a toddler who wants to run away, racing to the front to get a toddler into the bathroom before they pee their pants and keeping them all from laying on the floor.
Alright, I know that a lot of what I shared are considered “worldly things” but they do make life easier and more fun. I’ve also started focusing more on the mental of our family and myself during this season as well. I’ll share more about that soon. Until then, I suggest you thinking about three things that you’re loving right now. It doesn’t matter what they are, just think about them and know they will help your Monday be a little better and less “Monday!”