Maternity Q and A
dress | shoes | lipstick – BRUNCH
I simply cannot believe how quickly this pregnancy is flying by! With only 12 weeks left, it makes me incredibly sad. I think that carrying a baby in my body is the most magical thing that I could ever experience. This will be my last pregnancy so I am trying to soak in everything… including the weight gain and uncontrollable urge to sleep. Ya’ll ask me so many questions about my pregnancies that I love doing a little round up of them all so ya’ll can easily reference.
I try to keep things really simple because life can be chaotic as it is. Being pregnant and worrying about buying this or that can be stressful and I like to take the pressure off by just keeping my shopping to a minimum. This is definitely a period that is focused on buying THINGS so, helping keep myself in check is key. hahaha. This can get really out of hand ya’ll! Ok… so, here we go!
Q: What are some of your favorite maternity brands?
A: I have tried numerous maternity brands and after experiencing the different fits and being uncomfortable in ways that I never want to be again, I just stick to my favorites. Isabella Oliver is hands down my favorite for my dresses, they have this particular style that they tend to carry in numerous colors. I just can’t go wrong with them. I like to wear them alone, with jackets or kimonos and dressed up with accessories. I recently received this ribbed striped dress and I swear, I could wear it every day for the rest of my life. I also love Nom Maternity, Ingrid and Isabel, and Kindred Bravely (try their maternity undies, you wont regret it).
Q: How do you sleep comfortably?
A: that’s a trick question! ha! But, for now I rely heavily on a body pillow. I actually use one that I had from my previous pregnancy. The company is no longer in business but I am going to share a similar one. That plus a humidifier/essential oil diffuser. I SWEAR by this for my entire family. When that doesn’t run, we all are up several times throughout the night. I purchased this specific one off of Amazon. I diffuse any of the following for sleep: Cedarwood, Peace and Calming, Lavender, Orange and Ylang Ylang. Essential oils have helped my life in so many different ways and I love using them as needed. If you want more info, I have shared a post about them in the past that you can find here.
Q: I feel like a camel, how do you stay hydrated during this time?
A: Truer words have never been spoken… pregnancy brings out thrist cravings like none other and I’ve found the only way that I can stay hydrated like my body needs is by keeping filled water bottles with me. I try not to spend money on plastic water bottles because they are overpriced, not good quality and the plastic itself is toxic. Overtime, I’ve found the Healthy Human brand and I keep 2-3 of these with me at all times. I fill them up throughout the day and just sip or chug as needed. They are stainless steel and keep your drinks either hot or cold. You can’t beat that with a stick. AND because I already have kids, they come in handy with them because one of my littles is always thirsty.
Q: What shape wear do you like during pregnancy?
A: I am so happy to answer this question because I actually just found a few options that I love and use! I’ve never been able to find good maternity shapewear until this pregnancy and it was actually really life changing because I found it before my DC trip. I was so worried about looking frumpy around all of those glamorous women but with the help of a few things I wasn’t! I use the Blanqi tanks for the most part and they are actually a “supportwear” brand BUT they really do help smooth out the areas that I need them too and really give me the support that I need without making me feel uncomfortable. I also found a really great brand off of Amazon that I love wearing under all of my dresses. I have them in several colors and they are not going to break the bank in terms of price.
Ok ya’ll! I hope that you enjoyed this little Q and A! If you have more questions, please feel free to comment on this post or email me!