Motherhood Lately
As many of you know, I am a stay at home mom to three children. Nolan is 5, Harper is 3 and Scarlet Reese is 18 months. When I look at those sweet little faces, I know that there is nothing more important than being their mom. It really blows my mind to go back to my life BEFORE children and how different I was. Everyday, I see more and more how my children have changed me and continuously help me be a better person. I know this seems selfish but, at the end of the day, when you’ve given and given and given until you’re gived out, it’s a good reminder think about that helps you keep going. The amount of growth you can experience through parenthood is exponential. It really depends on how open you are to being honest with yourself so that growth can happen.
Some days are harder than others, some days I feel like I’ve failed them when my patience has run out and my nerves are shot. At the end of the day, they still snuggle with me and tell me how much they love me and I apologize for not being “better.” No one is perfect and there definitely isn’t a parent alive who hasn’t felt physically and mentally drained at some point. All that I can do is see that God is molding me, continuously into the parent I need to be AND when I feel like I’ve reached my limit, that’s my sign of what area I need to work on.
Motherhood is a challenge and every day is filled with new tests. How you react is up to you. Do you stay short tempered and yell every day? Do you learn to not sweat the small stuff? It’s never black and white but just learning that you need to give yourself a lot of grace and also give the same to your children will save you a lot of frustration. The to-do lists can wait, I want to be PRESENT for my children and not trying to be perfect.