Why You Should Switch to Safer Nail Polish
I love having my nails done. If you know me then you know that’s NO secret at all. Through my nontoxic journey and learning about the things we use in our lives that can have negative effects on our health, I’ve learned about what’s the big deal about nail polishes and I am excited to share it and offer a solution to you wanting pops of color (or neutral) on your nails.
“People get really upset about phthalates in plastics, but they don’t think about what’s in the cosmetics they’re applying directly to their skin,” study co-author Kate Hoffman, a researcher at Duke University, told Yahoo News . “The skin is an organ that takes it all in.”
Mainstream (you can buy them at most stores) contain a wide variety of chemical ingredients that make them up and they each serve a purpose in helping the nail polish do its job aka stick on your nails.
Some of the most common toxic ingredients are:
Triphenyl phosphate – this ingredient acts as a film-forming plasticizer. In Europe (which has stricter health laws) it is restricted for use because it is very toxic to aquatic life and has long lasting adverse effects. It is also possibly an endocrine disruptor in humans.
Toluene, dibutyl Phthalate and formaldehyde, are all chemicals have been known to cause cancer, damage the nervous system, upset hormones and create fertility problems. Scientists now are even recommending that young girls avoid using nail polish.
You don’t have to NOT wear nail polish though, in recent years there are more and more companies making non-toxic versions that hold up just as much as the other brands we know about AND are better for you. The best thing that you can do for you and your health *always* is stay informed and avoid products with potentially toxic compounds.
I know that this can be VERY DIFFICULT due to the lack of regulation in the beauty industry, leaving so many companies to use whatever chemical make up they please and it being able to be purchased at any store. You can use Skin Deep, the Environmental Working Group searchable cosmetics database to look for “safer” polishes – water-based nail polish is generally much safer and eco-friendly.
Here are my top tried and true nontoxic nail polish brands:
DIP WELL – this is the nontoxic dip that I rave about on my social media! It’s easy to use and holds up just as good, if not better than traditional dip nail products.
Have you thought about this swap? Share your thoughts below!